Chapter 26

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"Hello? Is anyone there?" I shouted out to the darkness that surrounded me like a black hole.

I walk further into the darkness. It was a never-ending path. Wherever I'd turn or walk, darkness appeared.

"I've finally found you, mon cheri," a low voice says in a deep French accent behind me.

I turn around to be met with darkness once more. Fear crept in like a plague of unwanted demons as I turned around in circles, looking for the source.

"Who is it?" I yelled into the nothingness. No response. Only the inhaling of my shallow breath filled the air as I tried to calm myself.

"Don't run away. Whatever you do, I will find you," a soft whisper by the same voice in my ear, made me turn around.

My face pales when I come into contact with blood red eyes, pale sKim and pointy teeth that leaked with fresh blood.

Before I could think of escaping, the figure pulls me towards it, and sinks its fangs deep into my neck.

"Nooo....!" My cries of help fade away with the darkness.

My eyes snap open as I jump out of bed. Sweat trickles down my forehead, and I use my free hand to wipe it, bringing the other hand to my heart.

I look at my lap, and a defeaning cry escapes my lips, due to the state my body was in and the excruciating pain  my wounds gave my flesh.

Bandages were wrapped around my legs as well as my torso. I had deep scars on my arms that had stopped bleeding, but this could possibly leave a mark. Marks that will remind me of this unruthly day.

The door barges open and Zander walks in, the doctor right behind him.

He takes a sit on the edge of the bed and wraps his arms around me, bringing me to his chest.

I freeze as his touch ignites sparks and soothes my pain. My head lay on his chest, making me he the rapid beating of his heart.

"I thought I lost you. Please don't leave me, ever again. I don't know what I would have done without you," his voice cracked slightly in the end, as he began to run slow circles on my face.

I lift my head up to look at his face. His blue eyes were slightly full, as tears glistened in them. He had dark circles under his eyes, showing his tiredness.

I put my hand on his face gently and wiped away a tear that had managed to fall down his cheek.

"I'll never leave you, Zander. Never. I promise you that," I reassured him, and lay my head on his chest once more.

He brought my hand to lips and gently kissed it. I relaxed more in his arms, as he caressed my hair.

After a couple of minutes he pulls away from me and gently takes my face in his hands.

"I think I have taken too much of the doctor's time. I'll quickly go get you some lunch. For now, the doctor will examine you. Be a good girl and behave," he whispered to me and kissed me on the forehead. He stands up and leaves, leaving the doctor and I alone.

"How are you feeling, Alyssa," she asked as a warm smile graced her face.

"Much better. But the wounds still hurt a lot," I say as I try to sit up. The doctor rushes to my side and places huge, yet oddly soft, pillows behind me. I lay on top of them, finally being able to sit up.

"Please take care of yourself, Alyssa. Your wounds are really deep ones that it's gonna take longer than usual to heal. I recommend that you take rest for the next couple of days," she said as she examined me. I listened to her every word and nodded.

A question pops up in my mind and I blurt it out before I can stop myself,"Doctor, was Zander always here. Umm... with me?"

The doctor turns to me and smiles sheepishly as my cheeks turn red. I look at my hands and start fiddling with them.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, Alyssa. I expected you to ask this question sooner or later," she said as she approached me and injected a white fluid into my arm.

"Zander took really good care of you for the past six days," she said.

What the what?
"Doctor, was I in a comma for six days," I asked in disbelief and she nodded her head at me.

"Precisely. But you were in good hands. Zander would always come check up on you. He was really worried about losing you. I could see his was trying his best to always be next to you when you were unconscious. He had cancelled a lot of meetings and left work tons of times just to come spend some time with you. To be honest Alyssa, you have a really good mate who loves and cares for you," she told me, and all her words played like a broken record in my mind.

My heart flattered. Could it be true that Zander is trying to mend his ways? Has he finally recognised him mistakes?


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