Chapter 30

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In mere seconds, I was wrapped in the protective arms of my parents. After all these days, they were finally here. With me.

"I missed you so much. Where did you go all this time," tears streamed down my cheek. Concern was laced on their faces. Mom brought her hand to my face, wiping away all the tears. She kissed me on the forehead.

"We had a couple of errands to run, my dear. It took longer than we expected. But that's not important. I hope you're alright. I hope Zander has been treating you well."

I couldn't help but feel that mom and dad was hiding something from me. What errands took the so long to take care of? And now, they appear after all this.

"Zander has been really caring and loving to me. He took care of me during that rogue attack and--"

"What rogue attack?" Dad questioned.

"It's nothing serious. Really," I try to brush off the topic. But it didn't seem to work on the three of them.

"Nothing serious. You were so injured durinf the rogue attack and you expect us to be relaxed about this?"

Confusion crosses my face, as I look at mom. "But I didn't mention that I was injured. How do you know that?"

Mom and Dad's faces lit up in alert as they exchanged glances. Mom faces me, a nervous smile plastered on her face.

"Well... Zander.... he told us about all this. I was so worried. That's why... I asked," mom stuttered as she looked anywhere but not at me.

Mom never acted this way with me. She seemed off and very secretive. Like she was trying to keep something important from me. Plus, Zander never mentioned that he had called them or told them about it. That's weird?

"Okay," I said and led them to the couch. They both took a seat beside me, whole I was sitted between them.

I began to tell them of all the weird events that have happened since the party. From the time I met Zander to the recent rogue attacks. But I definitely left out the part where Zander attacked me. I didn't want mom and dad to see him as a bad person. He was changing and I could see all the effort he was putting in to change himself for me. But I don't need that. He is perfect the way he is.

"I can't believe you went all through that, dear," She caressed my hair and held my face in her hands.

"I really wish we were here with you. You clearly needed all the support uou could get. We are such bad parents for leaving you here all alone."

I wipe away all her tears that ran down her face. Dad came to her side and brought her head to his chest. He whispered reassuring words in her ear, her sobs quietening down.

"Mom, dad. There's no needs to worry so much about me. I'm perfectly alright. And you aren't bad parents. You're the best and only parents, I could ever ask for. I love you guys to bits," I confessed. They pulled me in for a hug. I hugged them back, savouring the warm feeling of being in my parents' arms after all this time.

"Did I miss anything," a voice says from behind us. We break away to face Zander, who had a plate of sandwiches in his hands.

"Just a family reunion. Nothing big," I say as he puts the plate on the table and takes a seat next to me.

Involuntarily, I lay my head on the crook of his neck. His body tensed up, but relaxed after a while. He lay his hand on my waist and pulled me closer. His touch was comforting, warm and very gentle.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet my princess' parents," Zander spoke. A blush creeped up my face as I hid face in the crook. I'll just pretend he didn't call me princess in front of my parents.

Dad cleared his throats and mom cooed at Zander's choice of words.

"It's our pleasure, Zander. Never in the world would we have thought our daughter would get mated to an Alpha. It's truly a dream come true. And you guys are just so cute together," Mom cooed even more.

I remove my head from his neck and glare at mom. Giving her the don't-make-this-anymore-embarrassing-than-it-already-is look.

I look at dad for help. But he shrug his shoulder.

I can't do anything about it. Your mom tends be this way more than usual. But that's why I love her. He mind linked me. I cringed at the last part, rolling my eyes at dad.

Mom didn't even pay attention to the death glares I was sending her way. Mom continued to admire Zander like he was the Mona Lisa portrait.

After long talks with my parents and eating sandwiches, that ended with dad clearing his throat more than usual to stop mom from speaking, a servant accompanied my parents to their room.

"What a long day. I'm so exhausted," a stifled yawn escapes my lips. Zander chuckles at my state.

"Come. I'll take you to our room," Zander say and lifts me up, carrying me in his arms bridal style. I was gonna tell him there was no need to carry me, but I let him 'cause I was tired to say anything.

I lay my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeats, almost matching the rhythm of my own.

He walks upstairs, still enveloping me in his arms. He stops at a familiar door and gently opens it.

Zander's musky scents engulfs my nostrils. I take in the scent, letting it relax me and pulling me deeper into sleep.

Zander lays me down on something soft. I fidget, finding the best sleep position. I lay on my side, as sleep begins to seep in.

"Sleep, love. Sleep," Zander's soft voice whispers in my ear, before I fall into deep slumber.


Thanks for reading. All the support you all are showing the book is appreciated. You're all really precious to me.

Much love,

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