Chapter 6

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"The heat," Lucas murmured to himself, like he was trying to solve some type of mystery.

"Lucas," I half whispered. "Please check it for me," I plead with him. It's too soon. Too soon for all this to happen.

It can't be. Has the Moon Goddess decided to summon me or is it something else. Something I've never wanted to go through. Something I've feared all my life. That caused this incident.

Lucas slowly walks behind me and gently grabs a handful of my hair, lifting it up slowly as I continuously feel the light heat coursing through my body, intensifying each and every minute.

Lucas' gasp pulls me out of my thoughts.

"What is it, Lucas. What did you see?" I ask curiously. I really need to know. The colour I get will decide my fate. If not that, my death as well.

"It's... it's glowing. It's faintly glowing, Al," he stammered making me gasp slightly.

"Are... are you sure," I ask him once more and he hums, informing me that it's the truth.

I take a deep breath to calm down my nerves that heightened at in each second.

"What... what... what colour is it?" I groaned and I stopped breathing when he revealed the colour.

"Ruby... ruby red," he muttered to himself but I still heard it clearly. Clear enough to heighten my fears. The forbidden colour.

The colour that has killed thousands of werewolves along with their mates.  The Moon Goddess has decided to gift me with this colour.

I eye Lucas and he rolls up his sleeves, checking his as well. I let out a rugged breath I didn't know I was holding  when I see that his is not glowing at all.

"This is urgent. We need to inform your parents, Al," Lucas mumbled beside me and my head snapped in his direction.

"No," I say breathless. Lucas looks at me, his eyes filled with concern and something else.

"Why not, Al. They might be able to help us escape the pack before anyone finds out." He urges and I shake my head at him.

"The incident. All the pain and sorrow they had to face will resurface. I can't bare to see my parents in pain, Lucas. I... I just can't tell them that it's glowing ruby red. This could put my life, including theirs in danger. No member of the pack house had been able to escape after they were gifted with the forbidden colour. If they found about it's my turn, they will be shattered. I am everything to them. I can't lose them," I say the last part a bit breathless.

"That had happened in the past, Al. You need to stop living in the past and just move on. Stop blaming yourself for what happened. It wasn't your fault. Just tell them and they will be able to help you out." Lucas uttered.

"I can't tell them now, Lucas. It isn' t the right time to tell them. If they find out about all this, it would only put their life in danger," I croaked at the verge of tears.

Lucas rushes to my side and pulls me towards him, his arms around me and my head on his chest. I take in deep breaths to prevent myself from crying. I shouldn't cry. I need to be strong.

What situation have I put myself into. Why has the Moon Goddess gifted me with this colour? I will need to keep this to myself and nobody should find out.

"Don't worry, Al. Whatever you decide on, I'm here for you. Nothing will happen to you. We will figure something out together. I promise you," he reassures me and places a kiss on my forehead. He rubs gentle circles on my back, calming me down a little.

I stay in Lucas' embrace, shielding myself from all the pain that has resurfaced to hurt me and tear me apart.

I silently pray hope that my parents never find out about this, and that the Moon Goddess helps me win this never-ending battle once again.


How was the chapter?

Very cliffhanger-ish all the way right?

I'm sorry if it got you kinda confused. 'Cause it was meant to be written this way.
#SorryNotSorry ;)


Can anyone guess what got both Lucas and Alyssa so worried?

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