Chapter 47

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I am gonna make him pay for this.

"Xavier, let them go," I yelled at him. Pulling at my chains, causing my wounds to deepen as I pulled harder.

I didn't care about my wounds. I cared more about my loved ones. The ones Xavier had just brought in. He wanted to hurt them. And I was not going to stand around to witness this.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I can't do that easily, mon cheri. You must agree to my terms and conditions first," he snarled. A devilish grin gracing his lips.

"I'll do whatever you want. Just let them go," I begged him. Feeling the silver coirsing through me. Weakening me.

"Mon cheri, you didn't even listen to what I want you to do," his grin grew wider, causing a sickening feeling in my gut.

"Xavier I--"

"Love, don't listen to him," Zander said, groaning as he flinched in pain from the wounds that covered his body.

Tears brimmed at my eyes as I took in his condition. I couldn't bare to see him like this. Whatever Xavier and his rogues did to him, left him severely wounded. His body seemed to be covered in deep claw marks, that oozed out blood every moment.

Purple marks on his face, that made him cheeks swell severely. They had totured him so badly, and he expects me to do nothing about this.

"My dear, Zander is right. Don't listen to that man," Alpha Marcus said. Or should I start calling him dad.

He was tied in place with the Luna next to him. This is the first time, I got to see my parents. My real parents. After so many years. How could I sit around and witness them being treated so badly. No. I won't allow this to happen.

"Xavier, tell me what I gotta do," I told him. Lucas shook my head at me, telling me no.

Don't worry Lucas. Everything is going to be alright. I mind linked him, blocking him immediately, so that he wouldn't try to convince me otherwise.

"Good choice, mon cheri. Don't worry. It'll only take a few seconds. Promise. Now, free her."

Immediately, a rogue approached me, removing the chains of my arms. I fell to the ground, letting out a groan.

With all the force I culd muster, I stood up, ignoring the pain from my wounded wrists.

Xavier waved at me, telling me to follow him outside. His back turned to me as he led the way. I followed him silently, rogues behind me as well.

If only I could just shift into my wolf or something...

"Don't try anything smart, Alyssa. With a click of my fingers, my rogues will shred your loved ones to pieces," he warned, making goosebumps spread through my body.

We wondered around the woods until we came to an adrupt stop.

"This is what I want you to do," he pointed towards the gravestone.

In memory of
Lord Greimor
Ruler of Nirvana

1245 --- 1345

It felt like a bucket of cold water has been splashed on my face. This is the reason why Alpha Marcus, I mean dad, wanted to get his hands on me.

The prophecy was coming true. I was to use my elemental powers to raise the dead. Lord Greimor, the most vicious ruler had to be risen from the dead.

Acoording to Xavier, all those rumours were false. All made up. But how am I suppose to believe him. After all this happen centuries ago.

"I've never done anything like this." My hands trembling from fear. The outcome of what my actions could lead to.

"Oh mon cheri, it's quite simple. Just lay your palms on the gravestone, and transfer all the energy into it. That way, my grandpa will rise. And finally take revenge over these people who betrayed him."

I watched as he balled his fist in anger, rage coursing through his every being. He grasped my arm and pushed me towards the gravestone.

With trembling hands, I lay my palms over the gravestone, repeating to myself that I was doing this to save my loved ones and that everyone's lives were in my hands.

I stood still, waiting for the familiar feeling of energy to course out of my body, but nothing happened.

"What are you waiting for? Do it already," Xavier yelled at me, eyes red and teeth grinding together.

"I tried. It isn't working," I whispered to him, fear consuming me, as I looked at my feet.

"Then try harder," he yelled back.

Focusing, I lay my palms on the gravestone once more. The familiar feeling of energy began to course through my body, leaving it, and entering the gravestone.

Sweat dripped down my forehead, as I poured all the energy into the gravestone. I could feel myself getting weaker at every stage.

In an instant, my body is pulled from the gravestone, making me land roughly on the ground.

Cursing at my aching wounds, I swivelled my eyes, and they immediately landed on Lucas.

He was fighting off all the rogues that attacked at him. Trying my best to get up and help him, my body failed, making me falling to the ground once again.

Worry seeped in as more rogues began to attack at him. Lucas was strong but not strong enough.

My face paled, as a rogue dug his canines into his neck, pulling hard. The sound of breaking bones filled the air.

His screams filled the air, as he fell with a loud thud to the ground. More rogues jumped unto him, shredding him to pieces.

Everything went blur as I heard another shrill cry. But that didn't come from anyone else.

It came from me.



Thanks for reading!❤❤❤

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