Chapter 22

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Faint voices is heard from the background as I slowly begin to regain consciousness

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Faint voices is heard from the background as I slowly begin to regain consciousness. How long have I been knocked out. I try to move but all the energy have been sucked out of me that I can't even move any of my limbs.

I open my eyes and adjust to the dimly lit room. I take in my surroundings to see that I'm in some sort of room or should I say magic room?

Next to my bed in which I lay on, was a small wooden table that had towers of magic books on it. Next to it was a purple liquid that was put in a tightly sealed glass container. 

I looked around more admiring the magic that lay in the room. On my other side was a small office table with a wooden chair that was stacked with tons of paper work. Next to it was a wand that wrinkled on the tip.

The rest of the room was surrounred with tons of shelves that had magic books and many potions that I didn't know about.

I think I might be living the Harry l
Potter life.

The door flies open and in walks a red head and Zander followed behind with an old lady that I couldn't recognise. I've seen her somewhere but I don't remember where. I hate that feeling when you recognise the person's face but just can't seem to remember them.

"What you did was flipping wrong, Zander. You can't just keeping going around and killing people when you feel like it. You're lucky I'm not that angry or I would have put the shovel that I keep in my room in good use," the red head said, her hands on her shoulder as she reprimanded Zander.

"Grandma can you please tell her to stop. I've been listening to her rant for three hours now," A smile plastered on Zander's face as he spoke to the old woman. The red head came to him and whacked him on the back of his head.

The old lady shook her head in amusement as she watched the two bicker in amusement.


"No, Zander. You are gonna listen to my little rant today. I mean just look," she turned around and pointed at me, her eyes widening in surprise and her mouth forming an 'O' shape.

"Oh my gosh! You're wake!" She yelled as she approached me and pulled me towards her, giving me a hug.

I smile, but it soon fades away as I my eyes meet Zander's. He was back to normal. His smile and amused expression had vanished. His eyes held indifference and no emotions to them. Doesn't he realise the mistake he has done?

He does. He's our mate. My wolf said, uncertainty heard in our voice. Perhaps Zander doesn't care about us after all.

We lock gazes in a demonic never ending battle as we try to see through each other's soul. No matter how deep  I looked, Zander never showed a single hint of sympathy towards me. All that I saw in his eyes were disgrace, disappointment and the coldness tonwards me.

He breaks off the stare and walks away without saying another word. My heart shatters into a million pieces that cannot be repaired. How can he be so vile after what he had done to me? I know he had never asked to be blessed with a mate who is an elemental. But can't he at least treat me with respect.

"I was so worried about you. Are you feeling much better," the red head pulls away and I am met with the same green eyes I knew too well. The green eyes that twinkle with hope and brought angels to the Earth. That was none other than Ruth herself.

"Yes, a little better," my voice came out weak and more like a groan. She poured some water in the glass and I quickly chugged it down my throat. I sigh in satisfaction and pass the glass over to her, muttering thank You. You only realise the value of water when it is not there.

"Good. 'Cause I was so ready to whack Zander at the back of his head with my shovel for you. Seriously, what he did scared the heck out of me," she says and gently pulls my cheek.

An old woman approaches my bed. Wrinkles slightly decorated her parched lips and face. She had blue eyes identical to Zander's, except hers had light streaks of green. Her grey her was pulled back in a loose ponytail that lay lazily on her back. She was dress in a brown dress, brown sandals and and a brown coat that looked like it was made from an animal's skin. From what I've seen, I'm sure her favourite colour is brown.

"Alyssa, my darling. How's life been?" From the sound of youth in her voice to the vibrant smile that fliked her face when she said my name, I immediately recognised her.

"Oh my god, Mabel, it's you," I smile and pull her in for a hug, wrapping my arms around her torso as my head lay on her chest.

An awww sound is heard from Ruth as the both of us pull apart.

"Life's been pretty good for me. What about you. I see that you are still as beautiful as before," I compliment her.

"Oh Alyssa. I'm flattered. I have been working out," She does a little catwalk and poses for Ruth and I. We all burst out in tiny giggles that filled the air and soon after fade away.

An odd silence feels the air. I could feel the tension rising as soon as Zander was brought up.

"I'm.really sorry for what he did, my dear," she lays her hand upon mine and squeezes it gently. "I really don't know what got into him all of a sudden. I've brought up Zander with good values and virtues for him to be the man he is today. But this behaviour was quite sudden." She zones out and is lost in thought, like some life event was being replayed in her mind.

"Grandma is right, Alyssa," Ruth chimes in. "I guess it's something or another that triggered him to do this. Zander is not the violent type. Trust me, I know him that well," she smiles down at me and gently pinches my cheeks.

I nod. The answer didn't bring any ease to the angels and demons that were constantly in war in my mind. Many question were racing through my head like a Choo Choo train. The way he treats me isn't right. Even if there is a reason behind it, it still isn't right. I am his mare and I deserve to be treated the way he would like me to treat him.

"Don't over think it. Sooner or later, he will be begging you to return to him. His past and all..." Mabel's firm hand on Ruth's shoulder stops her.

Mabel shakes her head at Ruth, making her nod.

What past could they be talking about?

I shrug it off. My mind drifts off to Zander. If he thinks I'm gonna run after him like I lost dog, he is so mistaken. I will not chase after him.

He should be the one to earn my trust.

Only then I can trust him and perhaps we could fix our relationship.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. School is back, so I'll be writing less than usual. So please bare with me when the updates are slow.

Plus, I introduced some old characters in this chapter. Mabel, from the prologue. And Zander's red headed sister.

(I've really got nothing to say)

See you again my little angels,

-Your little demon in disguise😈

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