Chapter 14

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My mind was racing with questions right now. Could I possibly be the one with magic? What would happen if I landed up in the wrong hands? Did mom and dad know about all this?

I began to massage my head as I felt a headache trickling in. This was too much information to process.

I still don't get it? How does Caleb assume that it's me. I am blessed with the forbidden colour, but magic? Such powerful magic that has the ability to end the world can never be put in my hands. It's such a big responsibility.

The door flies open and I am met face to face with the Alpha. Syllas and Caleb were beside him. The three of them had worries on their faces, almost like they're secret had been let out of the bag.

"What are you doing here, shewolf?" The Alpha's voice was authorative and deep. It almost sensed like his wolf was surfacing.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. I was looking for the library and got lost on the way. I'm sorry if my appearance here has disturbed you," I pretend to hang my head in shame and look at my feet.

I did not regret my action. It was my life they were discussing and I had the right to know what is happening in my own life.

"Syllas, escort the young lady to the library. And make sure she isn't wandering around these hallway. We don't want her to eavesdrop on anyone's conversation again. If she was, that is," he says to Syllas. Syllas nods and looks at me, indicating that we should leave.

I walk away, following Syllas.

"Keep an eye on her," I heard the Alpha whisper to Caleb as Syllas directed me to the library.


Syllas and I walked through the empty halls. We were both quiet, not uttering or saying anthing to each other. I was lost in my own world. I already had so much in my head, now bearing such valuable information made me sick to the stomach.

What if I was the person they were looking for? What then? How would I be deal with the fact that everyone's lives is in my hands. And one single wrong move could exterminate not only the werewolves, but the entire planet as we know it.

"Alyssa!" Syllas puts his hand on my shounder, pushing me back into reality.

"Huh?" I asked him. Confused for the reason that he was calling me. And the reason he still had his hand on my shoulder.

"I've been calling you for quite a long time. Where's your head at? I can see that something is worrying you. What's the matter?" He asks.

I didn't realise that I had zoned out for  so long. All this magic things has turned my brain into my mush.

"Nothing at all, Syllas. I'm just a bit tired. Didn't get enough sleep. That's all." If I reveal any of my secrets to him, he will hand me over to the Alpha without any doubt. I may only be a suspect for now, but I might be the criminal soon.

"If you say so, then I'll assume there's nothing going on. Anyways, we've made it to the library," he points out.

I turn my back to him to face the library. Through the glass door that covers the entrance, where shelves and shelves of books.

"Thanks. I don't know how I would have found this place without you," I swheeze his shoulder and face the librath once more. Hopefully my questions will be answered soon.

"Don't be. Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Why are you so eager to come to the library all of a sudden?"

His question caught me off guard.
"Well, I'm bored and I read when I'm bored and all," I lie.

"Hmm... I see." It didn't feel like he trusted me. But he let it go.

"Okay then. See you in a while. I need to run some errands to the Alpha. And it's in Section C," he says and walks away.

Section C? What could probably be hidden in Section C.


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