4 / Sugar, We're Falling Down

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We follow Pete to grab our skates and sit down to put them on.

"Does anyone one else think they'll be breaking some bones, too?" I ask.

"Don't worry. I'll catch you if you fall," Brendon answers.

"Why are you being such a gentleman today?" I say sarcastically. I look over to see Pete roll his eyes. "I really suck at this. I can't even tie my own skates properly."

"Let me help you," Patrick quickly answers. He successfully ties my skates, unlike me, and we skate the rink. Joe's just skating very well, then there's me over here, trying to not accidentally break both my legs.

"Watch out (Y/N)!" I hear someone say as I fall over. " Are you ok? You fell down pretty bad."

"Ugh. Yeah, I think I'm fine. Thanks for asking..." I look up to see that it's Pete. "Pete." 

Pete turns around and starts to walk away rather quickly. "Umm. I'll be right back," He says confused. I see him walk away with Patrick following. I go over to Brendon and Joe.

"What's up with Patrick and Pete?" I ask.

"I have no clue, but Tyler and Josh should be here soon," Joe answers.

"Let's go hang out at the entrance and wait for them," Brendon suggests. Joe and I agree and roll over to the entrance.

Patrick's POV

I get Pete so we can talk in private, and by private, I mean the restrooms.


" I'm sorry I forgot. I don't know why you're trying so hard. It's not like Brendon has Sarah or anything."

"I know that, but the way he looks at her. They're so perfect. How could anyone not fall in love with them ?! It just bothered me when you helped them up."

"I get it, Patrick. You like them, and you don't want to lose them."

"It's not like it matters anyway. They would never fall for a guy like me, but I might as well try."

"Come on! That's the spirit! Let's go though because Tyler and Josh should be here by now." We walk out the restrooms and find (Y/N) already talking to Josh and Tyler. "Looks like you've already introduced yourself (Y/N)," Pete says.

"Yeah, and they're pretty cool," Tyler says.

"Well get your things, so we can skate together," (Y/N) says. We all get on the rink and start messing around with each other. "Hey! With how much you've been rolling into me, this wall has become my best friend," (Y/N) jokes getting a laugh outta me.

"Well sorry (Y/N)," I answer. Hey, what's that song the speaker? Is that Panic! At The DiscOOHHHHHHHH! That's my song. Oh no... I'm gonna have to skate to my own voice.

"Hey, Patrick. It's our song playing. Cool," Joe says.

"Catchy, and by the look of your face, you don't like it. Karma!" (Y/N) says. Soon, everyone is butchering the lyrics to the song, even Joe, and Pete.

"Aren't you glad that we're your friends?" Josh says. We skate around a little more, and we go over got the food stand. We go on and order our food, but we just end up ordering a giant batch of fries. I grab the dip, Pete and Joe grab the fries, while Tyler, Josh, Brendon, and (Y/N) start talking at a table. Why is everything so perfect about them? I'm surprised that they're not dating anyone.


I was talking to Tyler, Josh, and Brendon. I realized that Tyler, Josh, and I were all from Ohio. Tyler and I went(z) to the same school are great friends. I was so excited when I realized that it was him. I almost got lost in Brendon's eyes multiple times during that conversation. Sarah's such a lucky person to have Brendon. I'm not jealous of her...I hope. Pete, Joe, and Patrick bring over the food, and we all start eating except for Patrick.

"Hey Trick. You ok? You seem distracted," I say.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm ok. Just thinking about life."

"Just checking on ya." Something's still wrong. "You can tell me anything I'm here for you."

"No, I'm really fine. No need at all." Whatever he says. I'll just keep an eye on him. I hope he's ok. I wonder what's bothering him. We finish up our fries, and I notice that Pete has something to say.

"The nights not over yet guys! After this, we got some video game at my place. Andy's gonna be there, too." 

We finished the fries and got ready to leave, but before we left, Tyler pulls me over.

"It's been a while. Have you been doing better?" Tyler asks.

"I've been doing a lot better actually. I'm glad you're here."

"So am I. Don't forget I'm always here for you."

"I won't, and I promise that." Tyler pulls me in for a hug, and I hug back. We walk out the rink, but before I see Sarah walking in while kissing another guy that's definitely not Brendon. That can't be Sarah. I hope it's not. That thought quickly goes into the trash.

"SARAH!" Brendon yells.

A/N- Whats with Tyler and (Y/N)? Will Patrick ever get with (Y/N)? What will happen to Brendon and Sarah? Find out in more chapters to come. ALSO, I have nothing against Sarah. She is a great and wonderful person. It's just that this is the only way I could think of tho make the rest of the story work.

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