Epilogue (Patrick)

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Patrick's Pov

It's been a year since Y/N's death. It's currently their death anniversary. We all decided that we would finally explain to the fans why we practically disappeared for a full year. They all chose me to write it. I don't know why they chose me instead of F/N or Tyler. I still feel like I'm guilty of their death, even if it's been a year. I've been putting off this letter from so long. It's already midnight because I can't sleep with this on my mind. I sit in front of my computer, trying to think of how to start it. I know that the news of Y/N was announced already, closer to their actual death, but this is still extremely difficult.

Hey, again.

No, that sounds weird.

Dear fans,

Too formal? Ugh. I need to move on.

You've probably been wondering why we've disappeared for a full year. No, this isn't some cryptic storyline were doing. We're all alive 

I can't write that! Why is this the most difficult thing I've ever done?

We've come to explain our random disappearance. As you know, our dear friend and former bassist of Panic! passed away around one year ago. We took a year off to mourn and try to get our lives back on order. We had all left our social medias to the side, so we could try to help each other through these rough months.

Back in order? I still feel like I'm living life in a train wreck. 

This does not mean we're quitting our bands. Y/N would want us to continue making music and wouldn't want us to mourn over their death forever.

Is this too cheesy? This just doesn't sound right. Maybe I should try to rewrite that.

Y/N wouldn't want us mourning over them forever. We'll be back eventually.  We just need a little bit more of time to settle back down. We hope you guys understand our reason for the break. Thank you for taking the time to read this. 

Best regards,

Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, Jon Walker, Kenneth Harris, Dan Powlovich, F/N F/L/N, Tyler Joseph, and Josh Dun

I guess this sounds good. I look over the letter for mistakes and reword some of it. I decided against the dear someone at the beginning of the letter. Well, this is the final letter.

You've probably been wondering why we've disappeared for a full year. No, this isn't some cryptic storyline were doing. We've come to explain our strange disappearance. As you know, we dealt with the death our dear friend and former bassist of Panic!, Y/N. They passed away last year, and none of us could comprehend our sudden loss. We took a year off to get our lives back in order. This does not mean we're coming back today or tomorrow, but we will be back soon. Y/N wouldn't want us to mourn over them forever. We hope you understand. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Best regards,

Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, Spencer Smith, Jon Walker, Kenneth Harris, Dan Powlovich, F/N F/L/N, Tyler Joseph, and Josh Dun

I send it to everyone to make sure it's ok. They all tell me that it's good. Pete, Brendon, and Tyler said that they would post it on the other accounts. I would just post it on Twitter. I haven't visited that place in a while. I reread the draft over again. A few tears fall down my face as I reread the letter.

 I'm still emotional over it. Its been a full year! I should be fine, but I'm not! I rest my head in my hand, more tears falling down my face. I realize why I'm typing this. It was my fault. I could've done more for them. 


I posted it. I rest my head on my desk, still crying. I notice the replies flooding in with support, but I can't focus on it. My eyes become puffy as I slowly cry myself to sleep once again.

A/N - So, that's it. That's the end of this book. This is the official end of the book, but I will be editing it for mistakes. But do not worry! I will be doing another Patrick Stump fic sometime soon. I just need to research a few bits and stuff. Anyways, thank you so much for reading this fic. I hope you enjoyed this, even though I may have made you cry. Oh and I will be making a Brendon Urie fanfic sometime, too.

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