8 / Splash, Splash

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Y/N Pov

Today is (F/N)'s birthday. Whew. I am ultimately terrified. Patrick luckily let me keep the cake at his house since I live with (F/N). We're hosting her surprise party at Patrick's house too since he's like the only other person here who owns a house. Since it's summer, he's gonna fill up the pool. Should I bring my mini floor disco ball? I probably should in case someone breaks out in dance. Who am I kidding? I can't name a day where one of my friends, including me, didn't break out in dance. I need to get ready. Their party is the 2 pm, and it's about a quarter before noon.

I walk to my wardrobe and grab swimsuit along with a black flannel and jeans. I know. Great choice for spending a party outside. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. Frick! Where did I put their present? I hope (F/N) didn't find it. I think I put it under my bed, but then again, I put a lot of stuff under my bed. I finish up my up my shower and grab my glasses. I don't really need glasses, but I just feel like wearing them today. I walk out of the bathroom, only to bump into (F/N). Umm. How do I pull this off? They shouldn't be home. Their shift isn't wasn't supposed to be over until one.

"Hey, (F/N)"

"Yo (Y/N). My boss let me go home early since they had a few more workers than usual."

"Cool. I'm just gonna head over to the store."

"Can I come?" I'm starting to feel bad because I haven't wished them happy birthday yet.

"I'm gonna be out for a while, and you'll probably get bored."

"Oh. Ok. I'll see you later." I hope they aren't sad or anything. I quickly grab my bag with my Switch and swimsuit and run out the door. Do I have everything? I think I do. No! I don't! I need to grab my gift for them. I grab my bag to hide it in and run back inside

"Just forgot something!" I'm not actually lying. I'm just being very general.

"Ok." I really feel bad now. I duck down and see the gift, untouched. Yes! I run back to my car, and I sit down. That was the most exercise I've gotten in a week.

Time Skip to Party

Ok. It's ok. (F/N) is arriving with Andy. The rest of us are hidden, waiting for her to arrive. Oh crap! Footsteps! I hear Andy give the signal. We all pop out of our hiding places.

"Surprise!" We all scream.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you guys so much! Where's the food?" F/N says. We all share a quick laugh.

But like really. I'm starving, and I haven't eaten anything yet." We all start eating, and we later got changed into our swimsuits. I look over a see Brendon failing to open a beer right next to the pool. I walk over a grab his beer, and "accidentally" pushed him into the pool.

"What was that for?!" He says. we, while wiping his face.

"Neither of us is even of age, Brendon," I say.

"Come on. It's only by one year. It's not like I haven't had one before."

"Too bad. I'm not letting it happen." I set the beer down, "I'm only looking out for you, dude."

"Well you should start looking out for yourself then," Brendon says. What was he talking about?

"What do you me-" I suddenly scream, then I realize I was in the pool. I swim back up and splash Brendon in the face with water.

"Water fight!" Pete yells. Soon everyone was in the water and started a pool war. There are two sides. Team one consists of Patrick, Tyler, Andy, and Pete and Team two has F/N, Brendon, Joe, and Josh. They are currently playing rock, paper scissors, over who gets me on their team. Patrick shows scissors, and Brendon pulls out paper.

Torn (Brendon Urie x Reader / Patrick Stump x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now