21 / Perfect On Arrival (Patrick)

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Y/N Pov


WHAT THE FUCK?! Whoops. Never mind. That was just my ringtone. Gods, I really need to turn my ringtone down. I look at my phone to see who's calling me. Oh, it's Trick.

"Hey, Trick. What's up?" I ask him. 

"I... uh... well, I was wondering if I could... you know... take you out on a date... like a proper date? And you can... stay the night... if you want. " He asks me back.

I could tell he was extremely nervous, but what for? "Of course, Trick, but why were you so nervous? You know I would say yes."

"Well, a small part of me still thought that you had every reason to say no."

"There's no reason that existed for me to say no. Anyways, what time?"

"I was thinking around seven, so in about two hours."

"Should I wear anything fancy or?"

"You can wear anything you want, but just make sure you're comfortable."

"I'll be ready then. See you then Trick!"

"I'll see you later."

I hang up the phone. What do I wear? I know Patrick said I could wear anything, but I still don't know what I should wear. I rummage through my closet to find anything. 

F/N walks into my room. "What are you doing, exactly?"

"Trying to find an outfit to wear!"

"For what? OoOOoO! Did Patrick asked you out on a date!" F/N guesses.

"Yes. Now, please help find anything to wear. He told I could wear anything, but I should make sure I'm still comfortable." I back up, as F/N basically digs out my closet.

"Got it. Try these," F/N tell me, as they lay an outfit down on my bed.

"How did you do that so quick?"


I check out the outfit. It's a (fav casual-esc outfit). "Thanks, F/N. You're the best."

"I know I am, so go and change. I wanna see you in that outfit," they reply, as they push me towards the bathroom.

"Ok, ok!" I close and lock the door. I change into the outfit.  Patrick said that he'd pick show up in an hour, so I guess I (won't put on any make-up/will put on some make-up). I look into the mirror. Wow. I don't look like complete trash. I step out of the bathroom.

"Look at you. You're growing up so fast," they joke.

"Shut it," I joke back, as I make my way back to my room to pack an overnight bag.


Doorbell Noise Doorbell Noise

Definitely not my ringtone.

"Now you get your man," F/N tells me, as she rushes me towards the door.

I almost trip on my way towards the door, but I catch myself. I open the door. I grab my bag on the way there.

Patrick's standing on my porch holding a bouquet of (favorite flowers). He's wearing his usual cardigan and button up shirt, but he added a bowtie. "I got these for you," he tells me a bit nervously. Patrick hands me the flowers, and I take them and put them in a vase.

"Aww. Thank you, Trick," I say as I step out of the door. I close the door, but before I fully lock it, F/N yells something.


Torn (Brendon Urie x Reader / Patrick Stump x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin