14 / Headfirst Slide into Interviews on Some Bad Luck

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Y/N Pov

     *Buzz Buzz Buzz*

     What the? Why is my phone under attack?! Who even texts me this early in the morning? Oh. It's Brendon. Nevermind, but still why is he texting me? I pick up my phone to read all his one hundred and one texts.

B - Wakey wakey! Get up!

Come on you sleepy head!





Y - shut up my "queen"

B - finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy now get ready

Y - but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I'm tired

B - Y/N..............its two in the afternoon

Y - you mean nine in the afternoon ;D

B - .....................just get ready...you're almost sleeping in as much as Patrick and as corny as Pete 

     I sadden at the mention of Patrick's name, but I need to get ready. Knowing Brendon, he'll either show up right now or in another hour. I quickly get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I change into flannel with some black pants. I wash up and go to the kitchen. 

     Where even is Brendon taking me? It's been a couple of weeks since tour, aka the best and worse time of my life. It was basically a love-hate relationship... literally. 

     I snack on a quick granola bar and head back to my living room. I get a text from Brendon saying that's he's here. I walk outside to his car and enter. "I am here, my queen," I say trying not laugh.

     "Ah! Yes, my peasant! Now let us go to this interview of ours!" Brendon says in an exaggerated fancy tone.

     "Oooo! An interview? Who else will be there, my queen?"

     "Only the finest, being Pete and Patrick!"

     I stay quiet for a few seconds. I don't know how, but they found a way to get Patrick and me in the same room. "Oh cool."

     "Hey, are you ok?" Brendon asks worriedly.

     "Yeah, I'm totally fine," I lie. My tone was stone cold.

     "You probably don't wanna talk about it, but I'm always here for you. It'll all get better, I swear." He places a little kiss on my forehead.

     I stay quiet for the rest of the drive. I hate how all of this is playing out. We finally reach a radio station. I guess this is where the interview is being held. I wonder who'll be interviewing us. I really shouldn't let the whole "Patrick" thing get on my mind. Just get me out of my mind. We walk into the radio station and are greeted by Patrick and Pete waiting.

     "Hey," Pete says waving to us.

     "Sup," I reply. "What are we doing today?" 

     "Just a usual interview. Probably about the tour and Mania," Patrick answers while looking at the ground.

     "Nice. Nothing too overdramatic, I hope," I say.

     "Ahem! Have you forgotten about your queen?" Brendon says sassily.

     "Queen?" Pete asks.

     "One word, snoozing," I answer.

     "Ahhh. I understand and can perfectly relate," Pete replies.

     "Also, but how are neither of you too late?" Brendon asks.

     "I honestly don't know. With Patrick sleeping in so much and my long time in the bathroom, I really don't know," Pete says with a small laugh. "I think that's the interviewer signaling for us to all come in.

     We all head inside the room and put the headphones on. Pete is on the very right, with Patrick to his left. Then there's me, and Brendon is on the very left. Patrick isn't wearing his fedora, so he's wearing his headphones normally. 

     "Welcome back, and today, we have half of Fall Out Boy and now part of Panic! at the Disco! I am Zach and will be with you today."

     "Well thank you for inviting us to your show, first off," I say cheerfully. 

     "Let's start this interview off then," Brendon replies.

     "First off, Y/N, fans have been shipping you with both Brendon and Patrick, so what are your opinions? I'm sorry for that question bothers you."

     "No worries. I don't mind. I'm just here wondering if it's gonna be bigger than Peterick or Ryden," I say with a laugh.

     Zach goes on with more questions. Of course, he asked about the Panic! reunion and other things like that. The interview was not that bad we're only halfway in, but I've already forgotten that I had a good amount of problems ahead of me. "And with this last part of the interview, we asked your fans to give us some situation problems. This one is for Pete. You can have the world's supply of pizza, but for every slice you eat, you have kiss the closest person with you. They also specify that it doesn't matter how far away the person is."

     "I'd take that any day. I'll just make sure I'm always by 'Patrick' as you shippers would hope," Pete says smirking. 

     I somehow feel like he's telling the truth. Heheheh...

     "And this is for Brendon and Y/N. The person to your right is in a deep slumber, but the only way to have them awoken is to kiss them on the lips."

     "I'd totally be fine with that. Who's says that would happen now," Brendon says smiling. He places a small kiss on my cheek.

     That cheeky little bastard. "I'd also be perfectly fine with that," I say smirking. 

     "Letting the ships run wild," Pete replies.

     "Putting gasoline on the already giant fire. Be ready for the fans to have a war over your ships," Zach says. "Lastly, for Patrick, you could find your true love, but there's a fifty-fifty chance they won't love you back."

Patrick's Pov

     Who says I'm not already experiencing that right now. Do I say yes or no? I put on my fake smile to answer the question. "Why not. I would still love to be friends with that mystery person anyways," I lie. I don't even know if I could barely to face Y/N for another day. I hope no one sees through the mask I'm wearing. 

     "And that concludes our little interview. Thank you to Patrick, Pete, Brendon, and Y/N for coming along!"

     "Once again, thank you for inviting us. This was really fun. I can't wait for more interviews to come," Y/ N says while smiling.

     I wish I could be as happy as her. We all walk out of the studio, but I immediate run over to my car. I drive, but I hear someone calling my name.

     "Patrick! Hold up!" I faintly here Pete yell.  I don't know how it always ends up like this.

Y/N Pov

     "Thanks for picking me up, my queen," I say.

     "No problem, my little peasant," Brendon says while ruffling my hair.

     "You're lucky I love you."

     "Did you say you love me?!" Brendon over exaggerates.

     "Don't take that as a confession."

     "But don't worry, I still love you anyways."

     Shit. Let's just hopes he means that in a sibling-esc way.

Torn (Brendon Urie x Reader / Patrick Stump x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now