9 / Nearly Denied

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Y/N Pov

     I don't know why I accepted that. I want to go on tour, but what if he...what if he-no. I can't let myself go down this path again. I walk over to Tyler. I hope he hasn't left the party yet. I see him sitting alone. He must be waiting for Josh or something.

     "Uh. Hey, Tyler. Can I talk to you in private?" He nods, and we walk to the side of the house. "I don't know if-" I get cut off by Tyler hugging me.

     "It'll be alright. You don't have to go. I know you don't want to see him, but if you want to go, I'll always be a call away. Maybe, I can tag along." I get myself out of his hug.

     "No, I need to get over this. The guys will be with me. I don't want your fans coming up with some theories if they see you. You are on hiatus, after all."

     "One thing. Tell F/N thanks."


     "Just do it, Y/N."  I wave bye and walk back to the pool. I really hope no one heard that. I see Pete and Brendon bombarding everyone with water balloons. I decide to join in, and I grab some water balloons sitting near the pool chairs. 

     "I hope you guys are ready!" I yell.

     "Oh no! Not another one of them!" Patrick yells.

     "Do not fear! For I am here to protect you!" 

Back At Home

     "Thanks, F/N," I say.

     "How come?" F/N says.

     "Tyler said I should."

     "Yeah. You're welcome for suggesting you to Brendon."

     "Oh. I forgot. Sorry. Are you sure you'll be ok while I'm gone?"

     "I'll be fine. I got Tyler and Josh, but it will you be ok?"

     "I will." I rub the back of my neck. That was a lie. I quickly go and walk away. That was really awkward. 

One Week Later

      The guys are all coming over my house to create the setlist for tour, but we have no clue what the tour is mainly gonna be. F/N's over at  Josh and Tyler's because she wants the setlist to be a surprise for her. It's one o'clock. They should be here by five, but by knowing the guys, they won't be here until six or later. I'm already dressed, and by dressed, I mean wearing a hoodie and some black jeans. OoooOoOO. I'm so emo because I'm wearing black. I'm being sarcastic. Don't hate me. I should probably find something to do. 

      I walk over to my room and grab a pencil and a notepad. I guess we're drawing today. What to draw? What to draw? I start drawing without having a real plan on what to draw. I enjoy drawing people, but I always enjoy drawing people with a twist. It's usually a darker kind of twist, but not always. I guess I felt like drawing something demon like, noticing my paper. I should turn it into Brendon. He is the actual devil himself, after all. I finish it and work on the next piece. 

     Patrick. Should I make him an angel to counter Brendon? Patrick did somehow end up in heaven, after he killed Pete, Andy, and Joe. I wanna draw something more peaceful. I'll draw Patrick's with the puppies! I sketch him holding a puppy laying right next to him, and a bunny sitting on his fedora. I'm pretty happy with how these are turning out so far. I finish up a few more drawings. Those drawings being Pete, Andy, and Joe. I hear a sudden knock on the door. Oh yeah! It's already 6:30! I didn't realize I was drawing for that long.

      I run to the door and open it.

      "Oh hey guys," I say clearly winded. Everyone's here that's new. Nevermind. Pete's not here. Wait. We all turn around to hear the one and only, Pete Wentz, screaming in the distance. I think he's holding a pizza and running away from a skunk. That's fun.

      "Hurry up, Pete!"Brendon yells at Pete.

      "If Pete gets sprayed, we're keeping him outside," Joe says. We all chuckle at his comment. Finally, we all enter and we head downstairs to the basement. No, I'm not kidnapping them. This is not the Young Blood Chronicles featuring Brendon. The basements actually finished. There's a nice soundproof booth here since F/N knew I was moving in. Nothing special, though. It's basically a closet space with sound foam and a mic. 

      "Nice basement," Pete says.

      "Thanks, Pete," I say with a smirk as I quickly glance at Patrick. He rolls his eyes. "Ok, so we can discuss the setlist here, and if we wanna test anything, there's a sound booth is over there." I point over to the booth.

      "This basement is like an actual studio. It's really nice," Andy says.

      "Thank you," I reply. We try to discuss any sort of plan, but we can't think of anything. 

     "While on the topic, can you play? I wanna hear you play some bass." Patrick asks me.

     "Sure, I guess, but what song?" 

     "How about I Write Sins?" Brendon chimes in.  I walk and grab my bass off if the wall. I set it up and start playing. After I finish, and I put it back, I see Pete taking a video with his phone.

     "Oh no. The fans are gonna be theorizing about who I am and why?" I say sarcastically. I look on Instagram and look at his story. Oh boy. At least all it says is "Behind The Scenes." Great. 

     A few hours later we finally make the setlist for both bands. 

     "Ok. We finally made the setlist, but we need the poster art," Joe says.

     "Let's have Y/N do it! Their art is amazing!" Patrick suggests. His face was lit up with a smile. I guess he really liked it when I showed him the card for F/N. "Will you do it?"

      "I can show you guys some of my drawings if you want." They all nod their heads. Just great. I'm nervous about this again. "I'll be right back." I grab the drawings from earlier. I get back to the basement and hand them the pictures. 

      "Woah! These are really cool! I look sick, in a good way," Brendon says. More attention. Fun. I get even more nervous. 

     "You guys actually think it's good?" 

     "Yeah! I love it!" Pete replied. "It's really cool!"

     "Wanna order some food and play some games and stuff. I'll text F/N, and they can come over." 

     "That'd be cool," Joe says. We order, and F/N comes home with some food. 

     "Y/N, will you sit with me?" Patrick says and gestures at me to sit with him on the couch. I walk over and sit with him. We a few more games, and I notice how late it is. It's already one am. I'm getting really tired, too. I better not fall asleep on Patrick. I lean my head on his shoulder. Well frick. I'm falling asleep.

     "You guys can leave without me," I barely hear Patrick whisper. I also hear multiple ok's and such. I feel like I'm being moved around on the sofa. Someone's draping a blanket over me, but I feel someone next to me. It's probably F/N with the blanket, and Patrick sleeping next to me. What is up with me sleeping right next to guys without my choice? 

A/N - Please tell me if I forgot about another Grammer mistake. 

1234 words

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