15 / House of Horribly Named Plans

521 22 18

Y/N Pov

Everything is just getting better and better. Isn't it? Note the sarcasm. It's just wonderful that the whole Panic! random thinks Brendon and me are a couple. I mean after that interview, who wouldn't think that?GREAT! I know I do really love him. I really do, but I still love Patrick, too. I just can't get my mind straight. I just wanna get out of my own mind. It doesn't help that Dan won't stop texting me saying that he'll visit me soon or that he knows that I secretly still love him. I decided that I should probably talk to someone.

"F/N!" I yell from my room.

"What!" They mock back.

"Can we invite Andy and Tyler over!"

"Sure! What serious shit are we talking about today?"

"Some sort of 'serious' shit!"

"You're being vague, again!"

"Too bad!" I pick up my phone and text Tyler and Andy to come over. I hope they can over, so I can get this off my chest. I don't even know what I'm gonna say it, though.

Luckily, they bother agrees to come over in about half an hour. Tyler and Andy are in for some story. This is going to be terrifying.


I hear the doorbell ring, and I walk over to greet Tyler and Andy. "Um...hey guys."

"Hi Y/N," Tyler says, while we hug each other.

"Hey Y/N," Andy says waving.

I wave back. "F/N's in the other room. I'll get her." I walk over to their room and knock. "F/N? Tyler and Andy are here."

"I'll be right out," F/N replies. After a few seconds, they walk out of their room.

We walk back to the living room to talk to Andy and Tyler. I sit down next to F/N, while Tyler and Andy sit together across from us.

"Thanks for coming over," I say nervously.

"What's the reason for our visit today, Y/N?" Andy asks.

"I'm pretty sure that Brendon's fan base thinks we a couple," I say rather quickly.

"Wait, repeat that," F/N tells me.

"The Panic! fanbase thinks that Brendon and I are a couple," I say a little slower.

"What's the problem with that?" Tyler asks, unaware of my situation.

"You love him too, but you still have feelings for Patrick, right?" Andy asks.

"Exactly," I reply. "Doesn't help that I still haven't talked to Patrick, yet. He's always avoiding me and stuff."

"It'll be ok. I promise," F/N tries to reassure me.

"Wait. What? You have feelings for Brendon and Patrick?" Tyler asks, very confused.

"Oh yeah. We never told you," F/N says, dragging on their sentence.

"Ok, let's move off the fact that I didn't know that until now," Tyler adds.

"But... but I don't even know what to," I say with my face in my hands.

"Hey, don't feel blue. You got this. I know whatever path you take, you'll make the right choice," Tyler says walking over to comfort me, along with Andy.

"But it's not that easy. If I go along with Brendon, I have no fucking clue what's gonna happen to Patrick. I still haven't figured out why he's always avoiding me. Also, it doesn't help that Dan won't leave me alone!" I yell.

"Don't worry about Dan. I'll beat him up, if I ever see him near you," Andy says.

I laugh a little at his comment. "Thanks, Andy. I can't wait for that show. I still don't know what to do. I love Patrick, but we never talk anymore."

"We'll be there every step of the way," F/N says rubbing my back.

"Thank you all. This is why I love having you as my friends," I say, tears no longer streaming down my face. "You guys can head out. I forgot I need to go pick up some food order."

"We're good. We need to talk to F/N, too," Tyler replies.

"Well, I'll see you guys later," I say. I grab my bag and head outside. I see Pete and Ryan get out of their car and walk out. "Hey, guys. What are you doing here?"

"We just need to give something to F/N. They sent their package to my place," Pete says quickly, holding up a box.

"Umm. And Pete and I were gonna head out for a bit after this," Ryan adds.

"Oh cool," I say blandly, not questioning them for some odd reason. I get into my car and drive out.

Pete's Pov

Ryan and I walk into Y/N's house and see Tyler, Andy, and F/N sitting in the living room.

"Hey, guys! Wha happened," I ask.

"Nothing out of plan, except we forgot to explain everything to Tyler," F/N says.

"That might be a problem," I say.

"You think?" Ryan says sassily.

"I'm right here. Can you just explain it, now?" Tyler asks.

"Of course. Go ahead, Pete. Explain it," Andy says.

"Why are all of you attacking me?" I ask defensively. It's not like I came up with a really horrible sounding acronym or anything for a plan. Totally not that, so I have no clue why they're like this. I look over and see that they're all giving me death glares. "Okay. Okay. I'll explain the whole plan." I explain the whole plan entirely to Tyler. "And mission-"

"Pete, no," F/N cuts in.

"That wasn't very nice," I retort back.

"Why did we let him go with this name," Andy says dragging his hands down his face.

Tyler sits there confused and very unaware of the totally great named plan we made.

"I don't even think we let him. Pete's just Pete. What do you expect?" Ryan replies.

"Can we just please go on?" Tyler interrupts.

"Thank you, Tyler," I reply. I take the box out of Ryan's hand and open it. I pull out a stuffed koala and hold it in the air. "Mission Patrick's D.I.C.K.N.A.S.S. is a go!"

"I regret asking if we could move on," Tyler says.

"Exactly," F/N says to Tyler.

"Pete, what does that even stand for?" Ryan asks.

"Maybe, you should've been the number one sass king. Anyways, it stands for Patrick's drowning in caring koalas n' apologies supporting Stump! Duh, what else would it stand for?" I say proudly.

"Knowing you, it could stand for literally anything. Also, that name makes it sounds like Patrick's having anal sex." Tyler answers.

"Who says he won't?" I say and overdramaticly wink.

They all give me looks showing that they are most definitely going to be my cause of death.

"Well then... I'm ignoring that. let's just start this whole thing already," Andy replies.

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