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Patrick's POV

Just the same old same old. Nothing new since the whole tour. I've just locked myself in my own house until I needed to go out, but I wish I never went to that interview. Pete, Joe, Andy, and pretty much everyone else has tried to talk to me, but I never answer the door. I don't know why I'm doing this to myself. Wait. I do. It's because I know that my relationships will never end well. That's even if I somehow start one. I always fail when it comes to things like this, but I have to go out. I'm running out of food, do I need to run out to the store. I wish I didn't need to leave the house. I'm basically starving, right now.

I walk to my room to get changed. I'm tempted to change into something different just so I hopefully don't get noticed. I haven't been up for talking, at all. I change into a simple hoodie, without a hat. I know. I know. It's a disgrace not to wear a hat at this point for me. I walk out and grab some sunglasses, my keys, and wallet.

I walk outside to be greeted by a cool breeze. I get in my car and start it up. I decide that I'll stop at the little restaurant that I took Y/N to before. I would have to face that place again, anyways. I drive over there, not thinking much about anything except for the lonely road. Actually, no. There's actually a lot of traffic. I think I just have some of Green Day's songs stuck in my head. I reach the restaurant and park my car.

I enter the place, and I see Elisa near the entrance.

"Hey, Patrick! I haven't seen you in a while. Are you ok? You seem blue," Elisa says.

"I'm just stressed out," I answer.

"Oh ok. I'm assuming the usual seat?"

"Yeah. That's fine," I say blankly. I walk over to the booth and sit down. I see Sarah walking over. Oh yeah. I forgot she works here.

"Hello, Pat," she says sickly sweet.

"Don't call me Pat."

"Oh. Sorry about that. Hey after this. Do you wanna come over to my place. My shift ends in an hour," she says while trying to clearly flirt with me.

"Sure, I guess," not realizing what she just said. I place my order and Sarah walks away. Now, I just sit in silence. I quickly realize what I had just answered. Fuck. Whatever. Hopefully, it'll take my mind of-of Y/N. Nothing will ever fix this mess I've made of myself. I don't even know what to think.


I finish my meal and pay my bill. I start to walk out, but I'm soon stopped by Sarah.

"Hey! Wait up Trick!" Sarah says running towards me.

"Please don't call me Trick either."

"But everyone else calls you Trick."

"I know. Just please don't," I say with a heavy breath.

"Ok. Well, let's go! Can I go with you? I forgot my friend dropped me off."

"Yeah yeah. Just lead me there."

We walk to my car and enter. I start the car and Sarah guides me there. Sarah keeps trying to flirt with me, but I ignore it. Finally, after a few more flirtatious tries, Sarah gets the hint and shuts up. We reach her house and Sarah leads me to her living room. I go ahead and sit on the couch.

"So what are we doing?" I ask.

"Let me just grab something real quick," she replies. Sarah leaves the room and soon walks back in. She sets a candle on the coffee table in front of the couch and lights it. "There we go." Sarah walks over to her TV and puts on a movie. "I just wanted to do something calming."

I just sit there and stare at the wall.

"Come on, Pat," she says while sitting next to me.

"I said-"

"I'm worried for you. You just don't seem the same. I bet it's that Y/N. Ever since they've come here to LA, you were never the same. Don't worry, though. I hate their guts, too," she says trying to put words into my mouth.

"I don't hate them. I just-"

"I know. I know. You hate them more than words can describe. Just, please. I wanna show you something."

Gosh dang it, Sarah! Stop interrupting me. "Stop try-" I feel her lips smash onto mine.

She desperately tries to get a reaction from me. Sarah bites my bottom lip, but I restrain. She awkwardly tries to stick her tongue in my mouth.

I sit there motionless not reacting. I hear a camera going off, but I don't pay attention to it.

She stops and pulls away looks me straight in the eyes. She tries grabbing my hand, but I stand up.

I walk away and head straight to my car, slamming a door once more.

"Patri-" but she's cut off by the slam of the front door.

I quickly enter my car and just sit there alone with my thoughts. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have gone out. I shouldn't have done this. I can't. I just can't. Shit. I still need to buy groceries.

??? Pov

I pace back and forth in my room, waiting for the reply. I hear a ding from my phone.

Sarah - I've got the photo.


Torn (Brendon Urie x Reader / Patrick Stump x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now