Chapter Four: Constellations

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The guys are pretty cool and actually really funny, especially Corey. He must be the jokester out of the group. He was cracking jokes left and right for what felt like hours.

"So what made you guys wanna come here?" Mila asked. We all now sat down in a circle in one of the houses drinking Red Bull and eating snacks.

"We've been road tripping around Europe and decided to stop in the Netherlands for our last couple of days. We just finished up exploring Amsterdam, which is amazing by the way." Elton explained to us.

"So you guys do this for fun? Like road trip and explore abandoned places?" Levi chuckled jokingly

"Actually yea, we hop from hotel to hotel and then rent an RV for a few weeks and just travel and document it all for our YouTube channels." Elton continued.

They're YouTubers?

"You guys are YouTubers?" The words slipped from my mouth unconsciously.

"Yup, been doing it for a few years now. We did Vine before YouTube though. It pays good and it's fun so why not do it if you have the time." Sam laid back onto one of the pillows he brought.

"That sounds awesome. I've always wanted to get into the social media business." I admitted. No one really knew that about me besides the girls.

I secretly have a YouTube channel. I only have a few hundred subscribers so it's not that big of a deal. No one really knows about it. I️ mostly just make videos when I'm bored.

I didn't actually tell Mila and Kara, I was home alone one night while they were out so I decided to make a YouTube video. And before I knew it, they were home and caught me sitting in my bedroom talking to a camera. I found it extremely embarrassing, but they said it was fine.

"You should try it sometime, we could help you out." Colby said. I smiled and nodded to him, receiving a smile back from him.

Why does Colby have to be so freaking attractive??

"So are you guys doing an all nighter here as well?" Noah asked. All four of them nodded.

"I didn't really want to but they made me." Corey whined, causing us all to erupt in laughter.

———a few hours later———

Everyone was actually getting along, no one was yelling at each other for once. Usually by now, I would've expected Mila and Lucas to argue or Noah and Lucas to get into a fight. Mila and Lucas are dating but they fight pretty often. It can get kind of annoying because they're both my friends, but I'm always forced to take a side in the argument.

I've been talking to Sam and Colby for a while now. We all completely lost track of time, by now it was at least 2 in the morning. Sam's pretty cool. I found out that him and Colby have a collab YouTube channel.

I quickly made a mental reminder that I'm gonna have to look up their videos when I get home.

"When we found you guys, we seriously thought you guys were gonna kill us or something." Sam laughed.

"Why would you think that?" I laughed with him.

"Well you see, we haven't had the best experiences with running into people in abandoned places. We once ran into some sort of cult and damn it was scary as hell." Colby explained. We all burst out laughing.

"Yea, and we've gotten chased out of places and almost shot multiple times." Sam added on.

"Damn, that just sounds scary." I responded after I finished laughing.

Everyone at some point during the next couple of hours fell asleep. Me though, I always have trouble falling asleep. So what's my compromise you ask? Climbing to the roof of the building and watching the stars.

Everything about the sky makes me wonder. The sun, the moon, the clouds and stars and rain and snow and thunder and lightning. I was gonna go for a masters in astronomy, but I gave up when my top colleges declined me.

When I reached the top of the building, I checked my phone

4:39 am.

Snores could be heard from inside the building beneath me, indicating that they were all pretty much passed out.

"Hey! Mind if I join you up there?" A familiar voice from down below shouted to me. I looked down from my daze at the stars to see a smirking Colby.

"If you can get up here." I giggled, leaning back on the roof.

"I'm a ninja, of course I can get up there." He laughed back at me. I watched as he stealthfully climbed up the side of the building, making his way towards me.

"You did it." I smiled to him.

"That I did." He sat down next to me, dangling his legs over the side of the roof.

"How come you're up so late?" He asked.

"I have trouble sleeping sometimes, how about you?" I asked him.

"Same thing, usually when I'm having trouble sleeping I just sit out on the roof at home like this." He said. The two of us sat there in silence for a little while. Not the awkward type of silence, but the comfortable silence. 

"So I'm confused, how come you're the only one out of your friends without a thick accent." He asked.

"I was born and raised in America. My family moved here when I was 14 since my dad's in the military." I said.

"Ooooh that makes more sense, what state did you live in?" He asked.

"You sure ask a lot of questions, and Connecticut." I giggled. I saw, thanks to the moonlight shining down on us, that his face had turned a light shade of pink, a blush.

"Then why don't you ask me some questions." He suggested.

"I will," I smirked.

We went back and forth for I don't know how long, just asking each other questions and talking about absolutely anything.

Before we knew it, the sun was peaking over the top of the trees.

"Wow, the sunrise is beautiful." He said in awe.

"Yea, most days it's not like this." I smiled. I saw out of the corner of my eye that he moved closer to me.

I felt his arm wrap around me, I slowly rested my head on his shoulder.

"You tired?" He asked.

"Just a little bit. I'll have some coffee later to wake me up. This isn't my first all nighter." I chuckled.

"I had fun." He looked at me with his gorgeous blue eyes.

Those blue eyes will be the death of me I tell you.

"Me too," I️ smiled, feeling butterflies flutter around my stomach.

Something about this boy, I can tell, is going to change everything.

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All Nighter // Colby Brock Where stories live. Discover now