Chapter Fourty-Three: Holding Back

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Home sweet home.

"Aliii!" All of the guys said as I opened the front door, holding my luggage handles.

Each one of them gave me a hug, Colby's hug was especially long. I didn't mind it though, I've missed him.

"Even though it's just been a week, I missed you so much," he whispered in my ear. I smiled, enjoying the warmth that his body was radiating a little too much. I wish I could just stay in his arms forever.

"You left me alone here with these five idiots for way too long." Devyn came and hugged me after Colby.

"Sorry Dev, I missed you so much." I chuckled.

Jake and Sam helped me carry my luggage to my bedroom and lay them down on my bed before we all headed back downstairs to the living room where everyone was already sitting and conversing.

"So, how was Connecticut?" Aaron asked.

"Well besides the whole funeral part, good I guess. I got to spend some time with my cousins I haven't seen in years. I got to see my mom and my little brother which was fun, I took Danny to Build-A-Bear Workshop one of the days. Being around my family made me really happy, I haven't seen them in so long." I said, smiling at the thought of spending time with my family.

I've always loved my family, when I was younger I never thought I would be able to live without them.

And I was right.

I can't.

They're my rocks, they are what keep me motivated and going.

"How are you feeling, emotional wise?" Sam asked.

"Not the best I've ever been, I'm okay." I lied. I'm the farthest thing from okay. I'm slowly tearing myself apart. My mom, Danny, and my grandparents went back to Germany a couple days ago and ever since they left I've been so weak.

"Well we're all here for you Ali, if you ever need anything." Corey said. I moved closer to Colby, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling my body closer to his.

It's like I have two families. There's my biological and then there's my friend family.

In my biological family, there's my mom, my brother, and then all of my cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents. They're what keep me stable. I spend my whole life growing up with them. Playing pretend with my cousins, sleeping over my grandparents houses, taking care of my little brother.

In my friend family, they're the ones who care for me. The ones who look after me and make sure I'm okay. Shopping with the girls, going on dangerous explorations with the guys. They keep my adrenaline running. Even though I've only known them for less than a year, they're still my family.

"So whatcha guys wanna do today?" Sam asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked up from my gaze at the floor to see them all looking at me. How long was I thinking?

"Ali, you pick. Anything at all." Colby said before placing a kiss on my forehead.

I shrugged. "I don't know, I'm down for anything." I said, trying to smile a little bit, but failed to do so. It ended up just looking like a pathetic smirk.

"Lets go have some fun then!" Corey screamed running around the living room. We all laughed at his stupidity as he ran into a wall.

I sighed. Leaving here is gonna be hard.


Ever since Ali came back, she's been acting kinda weird. Not weird, just not like herself.

She keeps zoning out and staring at the floor, like she's thinking of something.

I understand that she just got back from her dads funeral and she had to leave all of her family, but it's something else.

After discussing the plans for the day, which include going to Disneyland and then going out to a local bar, the girls headed upstairs to get ready. Although I've only been dating Ali for a couple of months, I know the one thing that will always make her smile. And that just so happens to be Disney.

"Does Ali seem kinda off?" Sam asked quietly, making sure that the girls didn't hear him. I nodded, along with the rest of the guys.

"Somethings wrong, I can tell." Aaron spoke up.

"Maybe she just misses her family or something." Jake suggested.

Seeing her like this breaks my heart, knowing that somethings wrong but I can't do anything to fix it. 

Not before long, we heard footsteps running down the stairs. I'm gonna find out what's wrong with her tonight.

I need to.


We all decided to take a short trip to Disneyland, since they know I love Disney movies.

I chose a white crop top tee shirt that had a leopard print mickey head on it, a pair of silver studded ripped shorts, and my while converse.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I quickly became sad again. My family always said that I look like my dad, so seeing him in me kills me.

I sighed before grabbing a small black backpack and a few necessities like my wallet, sunglasses, and chapstick.

I made myself smile, as me and Devyn made our way back to the living room.

Disneyland, here we come.

Hey guys! I know this is such a short chapter. I have the worst writers block ever. As you all know, this book is going to be ending in a couple of chapters. I've been writing this book since January and I've had the ending planned out for a while. I love you guys so much! Remember to vote/like and comment!

 I love you guys so much! Remember to vote/like and comment!

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