Chapter Thirty-Two: What Have I Done?

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I sat in my room, peaceful and at ease. No stress, nothing.

I listened to my Spotify playlist as I read "Children of Eden" by Joey Graceffa. My phone buzzed, and so my natural instinct kicked in, as anyone else's would be, and I grabbed it from my nightstand.

Colby<3: night babe, we're at some club. Brennen dragged all of us here. I had a few drinks, but I'm fine. No driving for me tonight. Love u❤️

He's drunk, at a club. My heart instantly began to race as I read through the message, but soon slowed down once I saw the love you.

He really loves me. And I really really love him.

I folded down the corner of my book to mark what page I was on and placed it on my book shelf next to all of my other YouTuber books and my Harry Potter collection.

Yes, I'm a Harry Potter nerd. My dad took me when I was younger to see the movies in the theatre when they came out, and ever since I've loved the series.

I grabbed my laptop from my desk and typed in my password. My lock screen popped up; a picture of me and Colby kissing at one of the guys famous house parties.

I miss him, I miss being with him, I miss being in his arms, I miss hearing him, I miss kissing him.

Wow, I sound like a whiny brat right now. I pulled up multiple stores websites and began to online shop. This is what I do when I'm bored or stressed out. And in this case, I'm a mixture of both.

I added things into my carts, one by one. A few tee shirts, a few pairs of ripped jeans, a few necklaces and bracelets and pairs of sunglasses.

Before I knew it, my eyelids began to feel heavy. I laid my head down on my pillow and instantly passed out.


The pounding in my head is what woke me up, not the fact that the guys are running around the hotel room screaming or that there was a burning smell.

I slowly sat up, feeling the world spin around me. I held my head, trying to stop the pounding. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work.

Carefully, I got out of bed. I was still in my clothes from last night: my white v-neck and my black ripped jeans.

How the hell did I fall asleep in these uncomfortable clothes?

I trudged my way to the kitchen where the guys were attempting to cook breakfast. Key word: attempting. That's what the burning smell was coming from.

"Can you guys please shut the hell up, where's the Advil." I asked, squinting my eyes as the bright sun shone in through the windows.

"Well look who's awake." Brennen smirked.

I walked over to the counter, grabbed the bottle of Advil, and popped two in my mouth, washing it down with some cold water.

"What the hell happened last night?" I asked. The last thing I remember was texting Ali and then everything just went black.

"You were pretty crazy, you had like 12 shots and some sort of mixed drink with vodka." Corey laughed as he chewed on a piece of undercooked bacon.

"Yea, I think that's the drunkest I've ever seen you." Sam joined in.

Oh no, what the hell did I do.

"You were like all over these three girls, Col. They were like sitting on your lap and you were hanging all over them." Brennen was dying of laughter as he pulled out his phone.

What the fuck did I do. My heart started pounding even more than it already had been, my head still spinning as Brennen showed me his phone.

And on the screen, was a very drunk me, all over three very drunk girls. They were barely wearing any clothes. Oh my fucking god, what did I do.

And then it hit me, I felt like my breath was taken out of my lungs.

"Brennen, please tell me you didn't post that on your Snapchat story." I begged, realizing what could've happened if he did.

"Yea, my private one, why?" He asked, completely clueless.

I felt my heart stop.

"Because Ali follows you on your private account."


I stretched out on my bed, sore from sleeping in a uncomfortable position all night.

I looked at my clock as I sat up in my bed. 8:36am. I know Colby won't be up for probably another few hours but I sent him a quick text anyways.

Me: morning babe, hope u had fun last night. Love u❤️

I hopped out of bed and connected my phone to my Bluetooth speaker. I grabbed my towels and went to my bathroom to try to get the knot out of the back of my neck.

I stripped down to nothing and let the hot water rush down my body. I love taking hot showers, they're just so relaxing.

I sang along to my music playing as I washed my face, hair, and body. The sweet smell of LUSH products filled the room, making me smile.

I finished up my shower and wrapped the soft towels around me. As I opened the bathroom door, the steam emerged into my room.

I sat at my vanity as I waited to dry off a little bit before changing.

I disconnected my speaker and decided to check my social media while I have some free time.

Usually I do this the second I wake up, but ever since I moved here, I'm barely on my phone. I mean, there's no point in it. I love with the guys I love, so why should I waste my time staring at my phone.

I started with Instagram, liking pictures as I scrolled down. Then I went to Twitter to see what kind of drama was going on today in the world. Then YouTube to check my subscriber count. And finally, to Snapchat.

And let me tell you, I wish I never checked snapchat. I usually don't, but something in me told me to.

I watched the boys' Snapchat stories. Sam and Corey's were filled with pictures of the airport and a Gucci Store. Colby hadn't posted anything. Bradlee has posted a video of him in the crowd at the club they were at last night.

But when I clicked on Brennen's story, I instantly felt my heart drop to my stomach. Big bold words were written across the screen as he yelled and laughed.

"That's my boy!" Is what was written in front of a video of Colby surrounded by a bunch of sluts and strippers dancing and hanging on him.

I physically felt my heart break as the world around me crashed down.

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