Chapter Thirteen: Party Gone Wrong

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Me and Colby looked at each other, fear and confusion written on both of our faces.

Screaming of a very familiar voice came from the kitchen. Noah, a very drunk Noah. This cannot be good. I felt like my eyes were about to pop out of my head. I grabbed Colby's hand and ran as fast as I could to the kitchen. I pushed through everyone who had crowded around the kitchen to see the chaos happening.

I finally made it to the kitchen to see broken glass on the floor and some sort of liquid, I'm assuming whatever liquid was in the bottle, was dripping down the wall.

"Who the fuck invited them!" Noah was screaming, pointing to Corey, Elton and Sam.

Everyone just stood around, staring, too afraid to answer him.

"Is someone gonna fuckin answer me or what?" Noah continued to scream. I made myself visible to the overly drunk Noah.

"I did Noah, calm the hell down." I said, rolling my eyes. He was over reacting waaay to much.

"You did? Of course you did Ali, cause you like these fuckin strangers more than you like your own friends!" He screamed at me, I started to get very nervous. When Noah is drunk there's two sides to him: fun Noah and very VERY scary Noah.

"Stop Noah! No I don't!" I yelled at him defensively, trying to make all of this stop.

"Oh come on Al, I've been your best friend since you moved here. You're a fucking backstabbing bitch!" He screamed, throwing another bottle of beer to the ground.

"Okay Noah, whatever. I'm not gonna deal with you when you're this drunk. I told you not to drink this much this morning and like always, you didn't listen to me." I said, rolling my eyes.

I was beyond scared, to the point where I was shaking. I felt a hand grab mine, rubbing mine in reassurance. I looked up to see Colby.

"Oooooh who are you? My mother? And now this guy's here too?!" Noah continued to scream, pointing to Colby now.

"Yea Noah, cause right now he's being a better friend than you are." I said, making everyone "ooo".

"What is he, your fuckin boyfriend. You secretly fucking this guy behind my back?" He screamed at me. What the hell has gotten into him? I️ understand that he's my friend and he's very over protective but what the hell is he doing?

"No! And why the hell would you care if I was? It's not like you're my boyfriend." I said, my blood is boiling at this point.

"But I fucking love you Allison. Are you seriously that dumb, bitch! I've loved you ever since you moved here. You're just so fucking stupid to notice it!" Noah screamed at me, making my eyes widen.

"You don't really mean that Noah, you're just drunk and angry at me for inviting people that you don't like to a party that isn't even yours." I said quieter.

"I do mean it Al! And ever since this guy came into your life he's fucked everything up!" He pointed to Colby. Both of us were terrified of what Noah was gonna do next. Corey, Elton, and Sam came and stood in front of us.

"Come on guys, lets get out of here, I'm not gonna deal with him." I said quietly, heartbroken cause I most definitely just lost my best friend. There's no going back after tonight.

The next few minutes went by in a blur. I began walking away before I heard yelling. I whipped around to see Noah running towards us. Corey and Elton quickly got in front of me and Colby and held him back. Noah looked like some sort of wild animal, his fists curled up, trying to punch someone. That someone was either me or Colby.

How could I be so stupid, he's been in love with me for five years and I never fucking noticed.

Noah was getting too wild for the guys to hold him back. Colby wrapped his arm around me and held me close to him as Sam guided us out of the house to the back porch. All of a sudden, I heard everyone "ooo" again. I turned around to see Noah, unconscious on the kitchen floor and Corey, his knuckles starting to bruise.

I turned back around and went outside into the fresh air.

"Hey," Colby gently lifted my chin to meet his eyes, "Are you okay?" He asked.

I shook my head no. "How could I be so stupid. I ruined my friendship just because I was too dumb to notice he liked me." I let a tear trickle down my cheek.

"It's not your fault." He said as he wiped the few tears with his thumb. He engulfed me in a hug, a genuine hug. I relaxed in his arms, burring my face in his chest.

"Seriously Al, you invited them." A voice from in front of me said. I looked up from Colby's chest to see Kara and her arm around Levi.

"Why, do you have a problem with it too? You wanna just fucking spaz out on me like Noah just did?" I asked, pissed off at everyone.

"It's just that none of us really like them except you. Do you see how much drama they've caused and the party just started." Kara said.

"You guys honestly just don't like seeing me happy, do you? All of you guys are all in fucking relationships but the second I like someone or I find new friends its all my fucking fault, right? All of you guys are assholes, I can't believe I called you my friends." I yelled at them.

"Calm the hell down Ali, you're ruining the party." Mila came to the deck.

"Ya know what guys, you're right. All of you are drunk and you're gonna regret this tomorrow morning cause I can't stand living with you assholes anymore." I yelled. Their eyes went wide.

"You're such a bitch." Kara said, getting in my face.

I stood up and got in her face, inches away from her.

"Ali, calm down."Sam grabbed my arm, I shook his hand off of me.

"Don't do something you're gonna regret." I heard Elton say behind me.

"Ali, come on. Let's just leave." Corey said.

The next thing I did, I don't regret at all.

I spit in her face.

"I'm moving out bitch. Deal with it. Ya'll messed with the wrong bitch." I said quietly before grabbing Colby's hand and walking out of the party.


OOOOOOOOH shit, I've been waiting so long to write this chapter cause like DRAMAAAA. I hope you guys liked this chapter as much as I liked writing it. Please remember to like and comment what you're reaction to Noah liking Ali was. Next chapter should be up soon!

 Next chapter should be up soon!

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