Chapter Fourteen: The After-Party

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Well there goes having a good last day with Colby. I can't fucking believe that that just happened. It feels like I'm in some sort of bad dream or something and I can't wake up.

I felt my phone beginning to blow up with text messages as we walked out of the party. I didn't bother to check it at the moment cause I️ know it's just the assholes I️ used to call my friends. I really don't feel like ever talking to any of them ever again.

Colby still had his arm around me as I cried into his chest. I never thought that this would happen. I just lost all of my friends in like, half an hour. Five years of friendships down the drain.

We made it to the curb; I️ sat down and just stared at the ground, none of them are gonna remember what happened cause they were all drunk. I'll send out group text later telling them that I'm done with them.

"We're not gonna let this ruin our night guys, let's go do something." Corey suggested.

"Like what?" Sam asked.

"We got a ton of board games back at the RV, let's go to a store nearby, get some snacks and drinks, and have our own party in the RV." Corey said excitedly.

"You down for that Al?" Colby lifted my chin again to look at him in the eyes. I'm not gonna let this stupid party ruin my night. I️ nodded, agreeing to their plan.

"Yes! Let's go then!" Corey said as he raced back to the car.

"I️ drove my car here, I'll just follow you guys in my car to the store." I️ said.

"I'll go with you, just so you won't be so lonely." Colby said as he stood up from the curb, holding his hand out to me to help me off of the ground.

"Okay," I️ said. We all split up and went to the separate cars. Colby put his arm around my waist as we walked together to my car.

"Thank you," I️ said quietly, keeping my eyes on the ground as we walked.

"For what?" He asked, confusion laced in his voice.

"For being a real friend, all of you guys. Thank you." I️ said.

"I'll always be here for you Ali." He said, which made my heart flutter.

We stayed quiet for a while, the rest of the walk to the car, as we got in the car, and the start of the travel to the store was filled with silence.

That was, until I️ turned on the radio. Reflections by Misterwives came on. I️ noticed that Colby had started humming to the beat.

"You listen to Misterwives?" I️ asked, breaking the silence.

"I️ just know this song, from a Vine I️ made with Sam a while ago." He said, sounding embarrassed.

"You do Vine and YouTube?" I️ asked. I️ saw him nod out of the corner of my eye.

"You probably won't believe me when I️ tell you this." He chuckled, obviously thinking about something.

"What?" I️ asked.

"Well me and the guys and a bunch of our other friends are pretty well known in the online world. We're like famous on social media." He explained. Is that why he has so many followers on Instagram?

"Really? How'd you become famous?" I️ asked.

"Me and Sam made this Vine where we followed around fat people, which out loud sounds absolutely terrible, playing music behind them as they walked. It really pissed off a bunch of people. But like we went to bed with like a hundred followers and woke up with our follower count in the thousands." He explained.

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