Chapter Twenty: Not a Dream

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———later in the day———

The gates opened and Sam pulled his car into the driveway.

After a long day of shopping and hanging out with the guys, we finally made it home. Well, for the third time.

We shopped so much that we had to make three stops home to drop off stuff. The first time was to drop off furniture, the second was to drop off decorations, and the third was to drop off clothes and accessories.

Living in California is a new start for me, so that means I need a new wardrobe. Plus, all I wore back in the Netherlands was sweaters and sweatshirts and here it's too hot to wear that.

"You seriously need this much clothes?" Sam asked, grabbing a couple of bags from the trunk of his car.

I nodded, "A girl needs new clothes." I laughed, helping him and Colby with the tons of bags.

Together, we dragged each bag into the house, up the stairs, and into my bedroom where everything else was.

The floor was covered with bags and boxes, not an inch of clear floor was to be seen.

"Thanks again guys for everything," I thanked them, hugging them tightly.

"No problem, we'll help you build the furniture." Sam and Colby said as they began to unbox different pieces of the new white desk I had bought earlier.

While they did that, I figured it would be best for me to stay out of their way and start to put together my bathroom.

I grabbed the Target bags that were filled with my bathroom decorations and began unloading everything.

Once I had hung up the shower curtain and placed everything where it belong, I began to unpack all of my toiletries.

Since there were shelves built into the wall next to the bathtub, I decided it would be a perfect place for all of my LUSH products.

I unloaded all of my shower gels, bath bombs, face masks, and everything else you could think of and placed them on the shelves.

The smell of LUSH radiated throughout the room, making me happy.

I took a glance around the room. "Perfect." I said to myself.

I had never had my own bathroom to myself before, I've always had to share it with someone. At my houses with my family I always had to share with my little brother, which was gross. And at my apartment with Mila and Kara I had to share it with Mila. And she is not the cleanest person.

I have to say, I am a neat freak. If something isn't in its place, I'll freak out.

"How's the building going so far?" I said as I exited the bathroom and entered my bedroom.

"Pretty good, already done with the desk, just finishing up the dresser and then gonna help you hang some of the art and lights." Sam explained, staying concentrated on his work.

Since the desk was done, I decided to start to unpack more of my stuff. I placed some stuff in the drawer of my desk. It was a desk and vanity in one, so I could do work and my makeup at the same place.

When the guys finished building the dresser, they helped me decorate the room. They hung up fairy lights around my room, which looked amazing.

"We have to go film a video, so we'll leave you to finish decorating and putting away your clothes." Colby said as he stood up from my bed. I thanked them again for the millionth time today as they walked out of the room and closed the door behind them.

As many times as I pinch myself, this isn't a dream. I have the best roommates I could ever ask for.

They seriously didn't have to drive me around, go shopping with me, or help me set up my room, but they did. I couldn't be more grateful for them. All of the guys are just so sweet.

I connected my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and began to play my Spotify playlist. I hummed and sang as I hung up and folded more of the new clothes I got today. My closet isn't technically a walk in closet, but it's still pretty big.

After a few hours of moving around furniture, putting up decorations, and unpacking all of my suitcases, my room was finally complete.

And wow, I love it! It looks amazing.

I have fairy lights strung up around my entire room, a tv is hung up on the wall above my dresser. My bed was neatly made with with a dusty rose comforter, a super fluffy white faux fur blanket, and a ton of throw pillows. And of course my teddy bear. My jewelry was all hanging on a gold tree stand. I made a separate corner of my room dedicated to my crystals. Colby had hung up a few corner shelves that I decided was perfect for all of my crystals and gems. Yes, I am kind of obsessed.

I'm obsessed with my whole room. Everything is perfect.

I turned off my music and heard laughter coming from outside my window. I pulled apart the curtains and looked out to the backyard.

Sam, Colby, Elton, Brennen and Aaron were in the backyard laughing and screaming. They're probably doing some YouTube video I said to myself.

Curious as to what they were doing, I decided I would go out to the backyard and see. I closed my bedroom door behind me and walked down the stairs.

I saw out the glass back door that they had some sort of slip and slide set up. All of them besides Brennen were covered in soap suds.

I opened the backdoor and stood against the door frame, just watching them. They each had different colored shirts on, Sam in red, Aaron in Blue, Elton in Green, and Colby in white.

"Look who's come to join the party!" Sam yelled, pointing to me.

"What the hell are you guys doing." I laughed, watching them all dripping with bubbles.

"YouTube video stuff, wanna be in the vid?" Aaron asked. I shook my head no.

"I'll pass," I laughed.

"Oh come on, give your best friend a hug." Colby started walking towards me, arms open and a smirk on his face.

"Oh hell no," I laughed, sprinting away from him. But he was too fast as he ran after me and engulfed me in his arms and swung me around, leaving me soaked with bubbles and soapy water.

"Gotcha," He said in my ear, giving me the chills. I laughed, wiping the suds off of me.

I don't even care that I'm soaking wet now, as long as I'm with him I'm happy.

Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to update. I just have had the worst writers block. I promise you guys that the next few chapters will get better. Please remember to like/vote on the chapters! I love you guys, next update will be soon!



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