Chapter Seventeen: Welcome Home

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We pulled up to a mansion, is this seriously my new home? The guys all live in a mansion!? My eyes widened, impressed by the sight of my new home.

"Welcome to your new casa, Ali." Elton chuckled, parking the car next to three other cars in the driveway.

We all unloaded my bags from the trunk and dragged them to the giant wooden front door.

"You ready?" Elton asked. I️ nodded, feeling a wave of emotions rush through me.

Nervousness, excitement, anxious, happiness, and everything in between.

The front door flung open, revealing a group of people surrounded by party decorations.

"Welcome home Ali!" They all screamed. I️ only recognized Sam, Corey, and Colby out of the group. The others must be their friends.

Colby, a sight for sore eyes. God, I️ missed him so much. I didn't even realize that I️ was smiling so much before I️ felt my cheeks beginning to hurt.

Sam, Corey, and Colby ran to me and group hugged me.

"Hey guys," I️ laughed, being slowly suffocated by the three boys.

When they finally let me go, I️ looked around at the house. My new home. Streamers hung from the ceiling and balloons floated throughout the house. A banner hung from one post to another, reading "WELCOME HOME ALI".

"You seriously got all of this for me guys?" I️ said, tearing up a little bit. No ones ever done something like this for me.

"Yup, all for you." Colby said as he hugged me. I️ missed this, just being with him. Although it was only about a week, it felt like forever.

"Thank you," I️ whispered, smiling though every minute of our hug.

"These are our friends, you'll have to get to know them at some point if you're gonna be living here." Corey laughed as he wrapped his arm around a girl.

"I'm Devyn, Corey's girlfriend. It's great to finally have another girl in the house." She came up to me and hugged me.

"I'm Katrina, Sam's girlfriend." Another girl came up to me.

Everyone introduced theirselves to me; all of them seem pretty nice.

"Hey, I'm Aaron, thought I️ should introduce myself since I️ live down the hall from you." He laughed, giving me a quick hug. So he's the other roommate. Colby told me that they had another roommate that I️ needed to meet.

I'm honestly so excited to finally be here, the start of a new life for me. Surrounded by positive people who like making me happy.

The guys helped me bring my things up the stairs to the room I️ can call my own now. I️ opened the door and was instantly amazed.

It was huge compared to my old room back in Delft. And it had a connecting bathroom, which is amazing.

"We'll help you go shopping for a bed and desk and things like that soon, but for now it should do." Sam said. The room had a queen size bed in the middle of it, a large walk in closet off to the side, and a medium sized dresser.

I️ stood there, unable to say anything. I️ really can't believe that this is happening. I️ quickly turned around and hugged all of them.

"Thank you guys so much. I️ can't thank you enough," I️ said.

"No need to thank us. Now let's get downstairs and partyyy!" Corey yelled, running down the stairs quickly.

Music began to play, everyone began talking and asking me things, trying to get to know me.

"Hey there pretty girl, Brennen's the name." A guy said as he slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Ignore him, he's cocky most of the time." Colby laughed as he handed me a water bottle.

"Wow Colby, that really hurt. I️ thought you loved me." Brennen said, pretending to cry while placing his hand over his heart.

"If it helps you sleep at night, then keep thinking that." Colby said.

"Nah, I'd rather think about you when I️ sleep Cole." Brennen joked, winking to Colby before walking off.

"How was the flight?" Colby asked as we took a seat on the couch next to each other.

"Tiring," I️ chuckled a bit, "but other than that good. There wasn't much turbulence but the kid behind me wouldn't stop screaming."

"Sounds like fun." He laughed.

Eventually, everyone joined us on the couch or sat on the floor, eating pizza and snacks. Everyone once in a while, someone would ask me something, but besides that it was chill.

Everyone's really nice, Brennen's a little bit of a perv but Colby told me to get used to it since he's always like that.

We all sat around the living room, Jay and Elton doing impressions of people while fighting back and forth, Heath screaming as Arnold Schwarzenegger for no reason, Corey, Devyn, Sam, and Katrina were in the bouncy house in the other room.

Yes, they have a bouncy house INSIDE the house. Don't ask me why, cause in all honesty I️ have no idea.

They all might be crazy, but I️ love every single one of them.

I️ began to yawn. I️ have no clue what time it could possible be, I️ just know that the sun went down an hour or two ago.

I️ looked at my phone. 11pm.

It's really that late? Damn, these guys have a shit ton of energy.

"Guys! We should do a video. Introduce the fans to Ali!" Corey yelled from the other room. Everyone agreed and sat on the couch.

Corey and Devyn on the back of the couch, then Aaron, Elton, Sam, Me, and Colby on the actual cushions.

Brennen set up a camera on a tripod in front of all of us and pressed record.

"Yo! What's up guys! So we got the whole crew here, plus one! Guys, meet Ali our new roommate!" Sam said to the camera. I️ guess this is my cue.

I️ waved to the camera, "hey guys!" I️ said excitedly.

"Tell the fans some things about you since you literally came out of nowhere." Elton laughed.

"Well I️ just moved here today from the Netherlands, you might've seen me in a video of theirs a few weeks ago when they were exploring the abandoned building. But yea, that was me and a group of people I️ knew that they ran into." I️ explained. Everyone began to talk, while Corey was screaming and almost falling off the back of the couch.

Sam continued the video, just explaining everything.

"So, that's gonna be the end of today's video. Make sure you give it a like and follow Ali on her social media, it'll all be down below in the description, giving you some promo girl." He laughed, ending the video and turning off the camera.

I️ felt something grab my hand, Colby, rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand. A smile grew on my face as I️ looked at him.

I️ could get used to this.

I️ could get used to this

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