Chapter Seven: Saving Dates

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I paced back and forth, waiting for a reply from him. Of course I not only double texted him, I quadrouple texted him. I sighed, falling back onto my bed, slowly closing my eyes. I️ hope I️ didn't come off as one of those crazy stalker girls.

My phone buzzed, making my eyes shoot open.

Colby<3: Hey Al, 1 sounds good. u pick the plc since ur driving :P

My heart raced, I can't believe I'm gonna see him again.

I️ smiled to myself and began to get ready since at the moment I️ was wearing an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of PINK sweatpants.

"Whatcha doing girlie." Mila popped her head into my room.

"Getting ready to go out." I️ said, sparing the details of the date I️ was about to go on. I️ really didn't feel like having ANOTHER interrogation from the girls. I️ haven't had a boyfriend or even a crush in a while so to the girls, this is huge news. Trust me, it's news to me too. The last boyfriend I had ended badly, so I decided to take a break from dating for a while.

"Where ya going?" She asked, making herself comfortable on my bed.

"Just gonna grab something to eat. There's not much to eat here. We should probably go grocery shopping soon." I️ told her, trying to leave out as much information as possible.

"Ooooh I'm coming with you, I'm soooo hungry." She said as she began to get up off of the bed. Uuugh now I'm gonna have to tell her that I'm going on a date.

"Actually, I'm meeting someone for lunch. The guy Colby from last night." I️ said, I️ could feel my face heating up.

"No fucking way, Allison Catherine Kurt is going on a date! And with a cute guy!" She screamed loud enough for the entire apartment building to hear.

"Shhh! The entire apartment building doesn't needs to know!" I️ laughed as I️ brushed out my hair from the messy bun it's been in.

"You really like this guy, huh?" She smirked. I️ simply nodded. Was it that obvious?

"Aweee! Little Ali has a crush!" She awed. I️ slapped her arm jokingly and pushed her out of my bedroom.

"Get out Milaaaa! I️ have to get ready! I️ cannot go on this "date" looking like I️ just rolled out of bed." I️ laughed and closed the door in her face. I️ heard her screech as she slipped away from the doorway.

"Kara! Our baby's going on a date!" I️ heard her faintly yell. I️ laughed and shook my head. I️ love the girls to death, but sometimes they're a little unbearable.

I️ picked out an oversized light grey Tommy Hilfiger sweater, a pair of ripped blue jeans, and my white converse. I️ changed into it and looked at myself in the mirror. Good enough.

I️ went to my vanity and applied a small amount of MAC mascara and some powder. That's the most makeup I wear, I'm not to fond about caking on pounds of makeup. I️ just find it kinda gross and unnatural looking.

I️ straightened my hair and pulled half of it up to a top knot. I️ hate it so much when my hair is in my face so most of the time I️ have it all up or just half of it up.

Since I️ finished a bit early, I️ decided I️ would text Colby back.

Me: hey, just finished getting ready, u wanna go a bit earlier?

Now time to wait for a reply.

My heart was pounding, just waiting for my phone to buzz. Just waiting for him to answer the text.

And he finally did.

Colby<3: sounds good, I'm all set if u r

I️ smiled, excited that I️ can see him again. I️ grabbed a scarf and my purse and exited my room.

"Oh look at our little Ali. She grows up so fast." Kara joked, pretending to cry.

"I'll be back soon guys," I️ said as I️ grabbed my car keys from the counter and closed the door to our apartment.

I️ took a deep breath before proceeding to walk to my car.


I️ took a deep breath, running my fingers through my tangled hair.

"Okay, calm down Colby. You're just going out to lunch with a girl. It's perfectly normal." I️ tried to reassure myself.

Yea, a girl I️ really like.

I shook the nervousness away and sent her my location over iMessage so that she would know where to go to pick me up.

It looked like it was about a half hour til she would be here.

I️ played some music to help pass the time, which didn't really help because it just made me more nervous and anxious.

I️ checked in the bathroom mirror to make sure that I️ looked presentable; my hair didn't have any fly-away's, I️ didn't have any food on my face, my clothes were clean, I️ didn't smell bad.

Before I️ knew it, there was a car horn honking outside the RV.

"Shit, that must be her." I️ quickly put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and wallet. My heart began to race as I️ stepped out of the RV and saw her.

"Hey there." She smiled at me.

"Hey, nice car." I️ chuckled when I saw her in a red Fiat 500.

"Thanks, it was a birthday present from my parents last year." She laughed with me.

I️ got in the passenger seat of her car and inhaled the scent of roses and vanilla. Damn she smells good.

"So did you decide where we're going for lunch?" I️ asked her. She nodded.

"It's my favorite place, Fijn Bar and Kitchen. The food is to die for aaand it's not to pricey." She smiled while starting up the car and driving off.

"Sounds nice," I️ said, staring out the window. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"So how much longer are you staying here?" She asked.

"A week and a half." I️ answered. I️ saw out of the corner of my eye that her smile slowly faded.

"You should come and visit us in LA sometime. We have an extra room in the house if you wanted to." I️ said, making her smile come back.

"I️ would love to." She took her eyes off the road for a split second just so that she could look at me.

Delft is beautiful, it's such an old fashion looking town, but its still amazing.

We pulled up to a small restaurant parking lot, which I️ assumed was Fijn Bar and Kitchen.

Well here goes nothing. Whatever you do, don't screw this up Colby.

 Whatever you do, don't screw this up Colby

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