Chapter Thirty: New Friendships

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"Welcome boys to the best weekend of your life!" Brennen yelled, swinging the hotel room door open. All of us stood in awe, the room was awesome.

"How the hell did you afford this Brennen?" Corey asked. We all put our bags in our rooms we claimed.

"You know, just a couple of sponsorships here and there. I gotta treat my boys every once in a while." Brennen laughed.

I'm staying in a room with Sam, Corey got a room to himself, and Brennen and Bradlee are sharing a room.

The hotel room, or should I say suite, was like a complete house. Three bathrooms, three bedrooms, a small kitchen and eating space and living room. This is amazing.

I had texted Ali earlier when we got to the hotel, just to update her on how things were going. I miss her already. She told me to have fun though, I will for her.

"Whatcha guys wanna do first?" Sam asked, jumping onto the couch.

"Well, we could go shopping. There's a mall in the hotel." Bradlee said.

"Oooo ya boys getting some new Gucci." Brenden yelled. Everyone grabbed what they needed and headed out.

The guys were goofing around the entire time til we got to the mall. Through the halls and lobby, in the elevator. I love them, but I swear they can never take anything seriously.

All I could think about is Ali. I can't believe I left her. She told me to though. I just feel so guilty. She wanted you to go and have fun. I miss her.

I shook off the guilty feeling and snapped out of the trance I've been in since I left the house.

She told me to have fun, I promised her I would.

Let the fun begin.

"Gucci gaaaaaang!" Corey yelled as we got closer to the store. I've only been to a Gucci store once before and let me tell you, this shit's expensive.

I began to look around the store as the guys ran over to the shoes. How many more pairs of sneakers do these guys want?

Me being me, I went over to the jewelry. What? I can't help myself when I'm around rings and bracelets.

I saw a few rings I thought looked cool. I usually don't wear gold rings though, I'm more of a silver guy.

Somehow, I made my way over to the necklaces. I thought popped into my head, instantly making me smile. A necklace caught my eye.

Let's just say, I'm down a couple thousand when I left the store.


"Aaron! Stop it!" I screamed as he chased me around the house with a loaded Nerf gun while recording for a YouTube video.

"Never! This is what you get for eating my last pop tart!" He screamed, laughing evilly as he cornered me in the living room.

He shot all of the bullets he had at me. I covered my face with a pillow, trying to protect myself.

It's only been a couple of hours, but me and Aaron have gotten a lot closer. It's like he's a second brother to me already.

"Fuck you." I laughed, throwing the pillow at him.

"Love ya too." He laughed, as we both sat down on the couch, out of breath from running around the house.

Devyn sat on the bean bag, laughing her ass off. "I swear, you two are like children." She said.

Buddy came prancing into the living room, jumping onto the couch next to me.

"Whatcha guys wanna do?" Aaron asked. Me and Devyn both shrugged. It's quiet without the guys here. Corey's not screaming, Colby and Sam aren't making some sort of video, there aren't constant pranks going on.

It's peaceful, but very lonely. Aaron's still kinda awkward around me, I mean, we never really hung out until now.

"I'm gonna go do some experiments with makeup, you wanna join, Ali? I've been waiting so long to be able to do makeup on a girl and not Corey." Devyn asked excitedly. I nodded, I'm not the type to usually wear makeup. But the way Devyn does makeup is amazing.

"Well I'm gonna take a quick trip to the gym then, don't really feel like being a makeup dummy." Aaron chuckled before heading off to his room.

Devyn grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room. She sat me down at the vanity and grabbed a chair for herself.

"Finally, I don't have to beg Corey to let me do his makeup." She said, making me laugh. I can't picture Corey wearing makeup.

She began applying some product, I don't know what it was or what it does. She's the professional, I'm gonna let her do her job.

"So, hows you and Colby doing." She said, smirking.

"Good, we said the l-word for the first time last night." I felt myself blushing. Her mouth dropped open as she let out a loud "awe".

"Oh my gooood! That's great! I'm so happy for you! It's like you two were made for each other." She said. I nodded.

"I really like him, like a lot. So him not being here right now is a little heartbreaking." I said.

"Yea, I know how it feels. The first time Corey left he went on a trip with Elton, Colby, and Sam for like a month! I was so upset. But look at where we are now." She smiled.

It was silent from then on, every few minute she would ask a question or groan cause she messed something up.

I've never really done my makeup like this before, not even for my high school prom. I've always just liked to rock the natural look. So this is gonna be a little different for me. I could already feel all of the product caked onto my face.

"Thank god we're the same foundation shade." She laughed, dabbing a beauty blender on my face. Half of the things she was using I had no clue what it was.

It was about half an hour until she was finally done. And when I looked in the mirror, I didn't even recognize myself.

"Wow, you're really good." I stayed at myself in awe. I didn't know that I could look this good with makeup on.

"Thanks! You look amazing! You should do winged eyeliner on yourself more often, it totally fits you." She smiled at her artwork.

"Thank you Devyn, all of you guys honestly mean so much to me. You, Corey, Sam, Colby, Kat, Aaron, Elton, Amanda. You guys are like family to me and I honestly can't thank you guys so much." I hugged her.

I don't know what I would do without them.

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