Chapter Sixteen: Too Happy

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"Guys, she just texted me saying she just got to Amsterdam airport." I announced to everyone. Everyone seemed pretty excited for her to be moving in with us, especially Devyn since now she won't be the only girl living here anymore.

"What time's her flight?" Corey asked.

"9am, which is midnight for us here. The flight is around 12 hours so she should be getting here around noon." I️ explained.

"She's gonna have some bad jet lag." Sam laughed, taking a bite of his sandwich.

Yes, it is almost midnight and yes he is eating a sandwich. We don't really have any concept of time in this house. We do whatever we want whenever.

"You guys excited for a new roommate?" Elton asked. We all nodded quickly. It seems like everyone likes Ali.

"Finally I'll have a girl to practice my makeup on." Devyn laughed. Corey silently air pumped his fist and danced around.

"That means I'm not gonna be the test dummy anymore." Corey jumped up and down, making everyone laugh.

The fact that Ali's moving in with us just makes me really happy. I️ get to see her every day of my life now. I️ really don't know what I️ would've done if I️ had to leave her in the Netherlands.

Hours went by, everyone just talking about what we're gonna do the next few days. We wanna give her a proper tour of Los Angeles and Hollywood, since it's been her dream to visit since she was little.

One by one everyone went to bed. But I️ couldn't. I️ was too excited. Too nervous. Too anxious.

Too happy.


"We have officially landed in Los Angeles, California. Thank you for flying with Delta International. Have a nice day." The flight attendant's voice said calmly over the announcements.

I️ quickly stood up, ready to finally get off of this death trap. Have I️ mentioned that I️ hate planes? Well being stuck on one for 11 and a half hours next to an old man that kept asking me the same four questions and in front of a screaming baby definitely did not put me in the best mood.

But now that I'm in Los Angeles, nothing can stop me. I️ quickly grabbed my black backpack that was fitted underneath my seat and slung it over my shoulder, just itching to get out of here.

Slowly, people began to get off of the plane, taking their luggage down from the overhead compartments.

I️ could already feel the California heat radiating through the cracks of the door. After being in the cold Netherlands weather for so long, it's amazing to feel some heat.

I️ was finally able to squeeze my way into the line in the isle, slowly taking steps towards the door.

10 people in front of me.

6 people in front of me.

2 people in front of me.

And finally, I️ stepped out of the plane and onto the connecting ramp up to the airport. I️ ran as fast as I️ could, ecstatic to finally be where I️ belong.

On the ground.

And in California, that too. I️ took in a deep breath, looking around at everyone. I'm finally here.

All Nighter // Colby Brock Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt