Chapter 7 - Horrified.

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Zayn's POV

I need to think of something to escape from here as fast as I can, before I completely lose my sanity. I can't stay here, I want my freedom back. I feel like I'm caged, which is actually true. I know it's for my own safety, even though they give me food to eat, clothes to wear, shelter to protect myself, care and love that I need genuinely but its just same as a bird living in a golden cage, what's the difference between them and me? It's just the same. Even though I am living a luxurious life, I'm still inside a cage, a golden cage.

Help me lord. It's been three days since I lost my freedom, three days since I've been losing my mind. I'm thinking but nothing is working. I've thought of many different ways to escape but Harry or either Niall are always breathing down my neck. It is as if they are afraid to even leave me alone even for a minute, like I'll run away if given a chance, which is true as fuck. They won't even let me use washroom alone till i put up a fight, only then they allow me some time but if i take too much time which is more than five minutes in there they continue to aggressively knock the damn door, sometimes I'm scared for the poor door that it'll break down pretty soon if it continues to happen.

Harry is in living room right now, i don't know what he is doing but it's been awkward since you know that whole kissing thing. I don't know how to actually act around him anymore, its like i always gets shy and scurry away due to loss of words.

I walked out of the room that I was in and made my way towards the living room. Harry was on the phone talking to someone but by looking at his face it looks like its something serious, then suddenly he screamed.

"What?!" I got startled by his sudden action while jerking forward almost loosing my balance.

Oh god, why did he do that? Is everything alright? He was never this loud before, so what happened for him to scream like that?

After a while of shouting profanities to whoever was on the other side, he ended the call. He was fuming with anger, pure hatred. It was as if he will destroy everything he'll come across just by his touch. It scares me to no end but I'm not gonna show that, nope not at all. I only once saw him looking that scary, it was when I tried to escape but of course that hulk caught me and carried me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing. Am I that easy to carry?

He got up from the couch and started walking towards the door, but as he was opening the door he looked back and made his way towards me. I didn't moved. I was freeze on the spot, I wanted to run back into my room and hide inside the closet because of his anger but my feet were sticked onto the floor. Damn, he is gonna kill me, I'm gonna die today.

"Don't go anywhere zayn. It's an emergency, I need to go but when I come back, I want you here. Be careful. If you tried to run away, I promise you I'll make sure to make your life more worse than it actually is and mind you, I never make empty promises" he was close, so close that I could feel his breath against my lips. He leaned in and kissed me, it caught me off-guard as I wasn't expecting this. My eyes wide open in surprise but as I was going to kiss him back, he pulled himself away and then he left. Just like that. I was in daze, reflecting on what the hell did just happened?

This is it, this is my chance, I'm just one step away from my freedom but i need to be careful. I don't wanna mess this chance. I just wanna be out of this house. I need to think really quick, think, think, think..ummmmm...okay, Fuck it. Lets get outta here.

I started walking towards the door slowly, slowly not sure that harry left maybe he would be checking if I'm gonna run or something. I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it slowly so i can keep the noise down and to my surprise the door was open. Wow, when did he became this careless? He left the door unlock, maybe he was in hurry that's why but who am I to complain? Its just a golden chance for me. He only made all this easy for me. I got my chance served on a silver platter for me. I opened the door wide enough to peak outside to see if someone was there or not. No one, I guess its my chance.

I quickly got out of the house and closed the door. I ran towards the gate and saw that it was open already. Harry you fucker, what were you saying, huh? you'll make my life worse? serves you right, you asshat. Wow, I got lucky there, i guess even god want me to get out of here, yayyy. I ran out of gate and started making my way towards my house with caution, scared that Harry will jump out of nowhere and drag me back in that cage. Yeah, yeah, i remember the way. Yes, damn it, yes i finally made it out of his house and out of his life. Now I no longer have to see his handsome face, Wait- What the fuck Zayn fucking Malik? You called him handsome? Are you out of your mind? Anyways, I sighed as relief washing over me. I can be homeeee. Now firstly i need to call louis. I'm pretty sure he must be freaking out.

I didn't wanted to walk, so i started to run, run as fast as I could. Finally i made it to my beloved house that I missed so much. I am standing in front of my house. Home sweet home. I quickly started searching for my keys in my pockets, god please don't make it hard. I know I have kept it safe, away from their eagle eyes. I've made sure to secure the keys inside my pocket in hopes that when I'll finally escape, I'll have it with me.

I desperately want that key. There it was, in my back pocket. I quickly took it out and unlocked the door in haste. I opened the door but the first thing to caught my eyes was that the house wasn't empty, there was someone sitting on my couch. I couldn't see his face because his back was facing me but i can say that he knows that someone's here and that's when I started to freak out, it might be Harry or Niall. Oh god, I don't wanna go with them again, nope I don't, I slowly started to make my way towards the unknown person with my legs shivering, ready to give up anytime now but I still wanted to know who it was.  

"W-who are yo-u and what-t are you doing in my hous-e?" I stuttered, damn I shouldn't have done that, now he knows that I'm scared of him. No, no zayn don't it will make you look like you are scared of him no please... I was hoping that he wouldn't catch me stuttering but we all know that was impossible, because he heard me clear and loud.

"Welcome Home baby" said the familiar voice, which scared me to death. I know it, how can I forget the voice which broke me into pieces? The same familiar deep voice that I fell in love with, I don't know what he wants but here he is sitting on OUR couch.

I saw LIAM PAYNE  sitting and smirking while looking right at me. All colour drained out of my face as I turned pale while looking at him.

I'm Horrified. My breath hitched, not in a good way though. I was having a hard time in breathing, if it continued like this, I might have a panic attack which will only cause more trouble. No, no, I might be dreaming, right? No, this can't be real? How did he get inside when the door was still locked? How did he knew that I wasn't at home? This can't be just a mere coincidence. I refuse to believe it is coincidence. It just can't be.


Sorry  guys, short chapter I know but I'm kinda busy with work so I'm so sorry for this I will try to update as early as possible...hope you guys enjoy this..!!

It was just 630 words before but I stretched it a bit, so now it's 1442 words. I hope its fine. Okay so I'm done with rechecking and correcting my mistakes, if you find any more, please let me know. Take care Lovelies...

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