Chapter 32 - Taken.

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When i woke up in the morning i was alone no Harry beside me and my heart sank in the pit of my stomach. Today is the day when he will face Liam. It's risky. Truth to be told I'm afraid to lost Harry he is an important person in my life or i say he is my life. My boyfriend. I'm new in this relationship we both are and its to soon he have to be in this situation. Son of bitch Liam couldn't see my happiness again. Why the fuck my life has to suck. I mean i was finally happy but no everything needed to be snatched away from me. Please god keep Harry safe please.

I got up from my bed and was going to bathroom but then i saw the note neatly folded on the side of the bed. A letter by whom. Let's find out. It was from Harry i smiled. He cares so much. Idiot. My Idiot.

Dear Zaynie,

Babe I'm so sorry i will be gone when you will get this letter but don't worry i will be fine. I promised you right i will be back i will keep my promise. Don't freak out why i didn't woke you up it was just because you were sleeping peacefully without any worry and i know you haven't been sleeping properly from past few days and i didn't want to disturb you so i let you sleep baby take care. Jordan and Carter are with you. They would be downstair they might be working just keep everything check. Close every window and door don't let anyone in. Well they both know this but still I'm just making sure everything is right. Okay. Just know that Z i love you and i would love you forever. Baby take care..

Your Haz.

I smiled reading it. He worries to much sometimes. What will happen to me anyways I'm all fine. I did my business in bathroom and went down for breaakkkkfasstt i was really singing breakfast,breakfast till my way down. So gurllyyyy..fuck you Zayn why are you being like this. Are you high? No time for this lets have food in my stomach I'm hungry. Did Harry had his breakfast or not? Don't know.

I said a quick good morning to very attentive and engaged in work Jordan and Carter they replied same. I asked them for breakfast and they didn't had their so i started preparing for three of us. After half hour i served them their's and they said thankyou without looking at me still working. I sat on couch and started humming and eating but still thinking what Harry was doing right now. So i did the dishes after everyone was done with their breakfast and did cleaning of house not before checking every windows and doors as Harry said. After i was sure everything is good i sat on the couch doing nothing just waiting. 

Everything was going all fine till there was knock on the door both Jordan and Carter were alarmed by the knock. Why are they being like this oh for god sake it's just a knock damnit.

"I'll go get it" i was about to make a run to the door

"NOOO DON'T"they both literally screamed scaring me.

"Why it's just a knock come on it would be someone who needa something. It's not like Liam is on the door" the room got silent no one speaking. All the colour drained out of my body as realisation hit me hard. I got back from my place nearly falling on the ground as knocking got hard and forceful.

"Go, go Zayn hide in the closet don't open or get put of it until anyone from both of us come and get you go hide quickly" i ran to our room and hide myself in the closet tears flowing right now i just need Harry.

I could hear voices and firings i was too afraid to go check what's happening outside. After a while i heard footsteps coming in the room and it started get more clear and clear. I knew whoever it is just standing outside the closest so i clutched the blanket more tightly around myself hoping they won't see me. But i was wrong as the door opened someone snatched the blanket away from me and harshly getting me out of closet. I was on the floor in crawling position try to get away but then someone pulled my legs. I was trashing trying to get out of his grip.

"Oh baby why are you running don't you wanna have some fun" i heard the familiar scary voice i never want to hear. Never. No no i don't want to go anywhere with him i was madly fighting his grip but he pulled me towards him i was flatly lying on the ground while he was sitting beside me on both his knees. Touching me i feel disgusted by his touch.

"No no Liam don't touch me. Leave me Liam please" i was begging him to leave me alone i know what he want and his threats never are empty.

"I told you Zayn i would be back for you and this time you won't be going anywhere and you know whatever i saw i do. It's time for surprise. Don't you wanna give your Haz a lil surprise?"

"No i don't. Please" he was so close to me it makes me feel so uncomfortable. I just want him to go away and never come back desperately.

"To late baby. Let's go my love"

"No no Liam don't do this" he put me on his shoulder like a piece of log. I was trashing, hitting anything i could do toget out of his hold and away from him but to no avail.

"I'm sorry baby i need to do this or else you will know where we are. I'm really sorry i don't want to do this but i got no ways" i was so confused by what he said. I thought he was mad but he put a piece of cloth on my mouth and i hold back my breath but after a while of fighting i let go of my breath and sniffed the cloth i couldn't do anything because i would die if i hold my breath more. And i welcomed the unconsciousness everything went black. I think this is the end of us. Be safe Haz i love you.


Sorry late updates. I know but was bsuy. But still enjoy..( not edited)

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