Chapter 40 - Greetings

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Zayn and mum both are fine. They are at home not like same but mum is at her place and Z at ours. I tried to persuade my mum to stay with us but she said no and then who am I to argue right and that was fine with me because Z needs time before I introduced him with mum and might I say properly not under the bullshit circumstances.

I was so happy seriously the feeling you get after every bad thing in your life finally come to an end is the feeling no one but the one who has gone through that bullshit will understand better. You might think I'm over exaggerating thing but from my side it is like heaven.

Life sucks when you don't get to share feelings, life sucks when you feel like no one cares, life sucks when you have an most horrific accident in your past, life sucks when we feel like the world doesn't want us to survive. Going through long lost memories sometimes gives us the most blissful moments we've shared with someone or our family to be More specific but sometimes it's just another scar you carry throughout the lifetimes which you can't forget but they just stay they don't fade away by the time passing by. Even you are happy let it be for some time being we don't recall those memories but when you are upset you will automatically remember those.

I had stayed most of life thinking like "why don't I die" or " why does no one loves me" but then I got the reason of living my life. I got Zayn. At first I was kinda scared that if I will get attached to him I will end up getting me or either him getting hurt. What I actually didn't though was this relationship to work. I thought this is my first relation it will go down the hill as i didn't knew a thing about this whole romatic things and all but it worked out for me.

"Z did you took your medicines?" I asked him because most of the time he forgets about it and i have to be a mother figure and tell him which means scold him to take it.

"Oh shit. Is it the time for taking meds?" He asked me back and i knew it this will be the comebacks..

"Dummy it is now wait i'll give you" i took out the pills he needed to take and pour the water for him and gave it to him he took it and gulped it in a one go making a cute face.

"Yuck this meds are hella gross" i laughed on his comments this is the reply i get when he is done with his medicines.

"Now get ready it's time to meet mum remember or else she would be knocking at our door in no time"i chuckled

"Oh yeah i remember it"he replied with a quick nod and got up to get ready. I quickly snaked my hands around his waist and pulled him towards me.

"You not gonna give me a kiss babe" I whispered into his ears in a husky voice nibbling his ear know his weakness. He shivered and whined. It works all the time. I didn't waited for his answer and turned him around as he was facing me now. I smacked my lips on his. My hands on his waist and other in his hair pulling him more close if that's even possible. His hands were around my waist clutching my shirt and our lips moving in sync. I bit his lips and it took him by surprise making him give me the entrance I wanted. I explored his mouth with so much pleasure and it feels heaven. Everytime we kiss it feels like it is the first time. Both hands exploring each others body the tension between us growing and kiss heating by the time passing by.

I was about to open his shirt when he stopped me.

"Baby I need to get ready remember we have to go to meet your mum" and then we ran to get ready quickly. After  an hour we left our house and started  walking towards my mum's place.


After we reached her place I was nerves standing on her doorstep. Don't get me wrong I have met her before but it wasn't under good circumstances. You know what I mean right?. I guess Harry sensed my nervousness he put his arm around me.
"Don't worry babe. She will love you"he reassured me. I felt relaxed hearing his assurance. I took a deep breathe and he rang the doorbell. After like two seconds she opened the door and I was pulled by soo much force that I thought I was going under a  cyclone that was pulling me to itself but this was his mum giving me a tight,bone cracking hug and I was having a problem to breath.

"Mum leave him he needs to breathe" and then she pulled away and did the same with Harry.

"And now mum leave me I need to breathe" I laughed at the comment and she welcomed us inside.

We sat on a couch and all the nervousness left my body and I felt nothing but relaxation hit me through my body. Most importantly I felt I'm home.

"If you are thinking that I'm going to ask you some boring ass question like most of the mother's do I mean you know like those "so tell me Zayn about yourself" questions because hazzabear over here told me everything about you" she pinched his cheeks and Harry was like his mouth was wide open, staring with wide eyes and blush creeped on his now red tomato like face. May be embarrassment I think. Awe she said "hazzabear" so cute.... but I myself was shocked because of her language you know most of the adults are like "mind your language" but she was cool and I liked it.

"Mummmmmm... stop calling me that will you?" His both hands were on his face hiding his face from us and I got it right because of embarrassment.

" still are my baby boy and hazzabear" she smirked knowing it will embarrass him more so she did it on purpose.

The whole day was spend by us talking and the most funniest was when her mum showed his childhood photos explaining every detail what happened that time and I even saw his nude photos (even his youngest nude pictures because he likes to roam around with nothing on his body) at that time he smirked in my way and this was my turn to get red not because of embarrassment but still. We had lunch and dinner together. I was thankful that she didn't made it awkward you know after whatever happened it was still all good and great company I got because of her. It was fun and we all were so happy finally my life was getting back to normal again.


Hey der lovelies...if any errors mention it in the comments because I didn't edited it yet. Maybe 4 or 5 chapters more till the book ends. Thank you for the support you have shown me till now.❤❤

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