Chapter 43 - News.

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This past few days I've been feeling nauseous and very lazy i mean i get tired too soon for my liking also this weird carvings i'm having and this morning sickness like I've been emptying my stomach early in the morning and the best part is i don't the reason behind all this.

Today I'm gonna be with Louis as Harry and Niall are out of town for few days. They have some "Gang" work to do that's  why there are out of here. It scares  me sometime don't  get me wrong. I don't doubt their work and all but still it's  a bit dangerous even if it's for good thing. Everytime he goes for work i become restless all the time i think about what will happen there? Will he be ok? Will he return safely?. It will need time for me to adjust to all this. I know Liam had this same work but i didn't knew about it so there wasn't this much of stress about him working.

Deep in thoughts i almost missed the bell ringing but thankfully got it and got up from couch that I've  been sitting on since morning.. told you I've  been feeling so so lazy. I opened  the door to found none other than my loubear holding lots of chocolate that i like but the best part was i don't  feel like eating it. So i took it from him and kept it inside the freezer. He gave me a questioning look i know what he is think like "why the hell did i put it in freezer" but the answer is unknown to me so i can't  give him one. I just shrugged and sat on the couch and him following me. I was planing on telling him about all this. So here i go.

"Lou I've been feeling nauseous this past few days. I'm  carving for things which is way too weird for normal people and I've  been puking my guts in the morning i don't  know what is happening lou. I get so tired even if i didn't  do anything. I guess I've got stomach flu" i finally told him everything that's been happening  with me. From the look on his face he was in a deep thinking and then suddenly  his face become stern as if he knows what's wrong  happening with me.

"It's  not stomach flu Z" he said

"How do you even know that. Last time i checked you aren't  the one with a doctor's  degree" i said with sarcasm dripping out of my words..

"Tell me one thing. I know it's  strange but just tell me one thing. Did you guys used protection last time you had sex?". This caught me off guard i mean what the fuck is he trying imply.

"Why the fuck are you asking me this?".

"Just wait here for me. I'll  be back in few minutes  and i will be back with your answer. I think i know what is wromg with you and you won't believe me if I'll  just say it i need to show you so just wait ok" i just nodded in answer.

So many questions  were running in my mind and i had no answers for this. How the hell does lou knows and i don't know what's  happening  with me. I guess i don't  have any other way but to wait for him.

After five minutes he was back with oh my god. He is kidding right. He must be kidding because he had pregnancy test in his hand. I can't  be right... oh shit all the symptoms  are indicating that i might be but i can't be sure.

He pushed me towards the bathroom and i got in. I did the test and it said to wait for three minutes. After the time i closed my eyes and took the test into my hands slowly i opened my eyes to see the positive result. It means I AM FREAKING PREGNANT.  Omg how will Harry  react to this ..what if he want to abort it... what if he leaves no don't  think so much Zayn relax it's  not good for the baby. I caressed my stomach where i know my baby or i say Our baby is. I got out where lou was waiting for me. He stood up when he saw me coming out of bathroom.

"What does it says?". He was impatient.

"I am pregnant. It's positive lou but what if Harry don't  want it what will i do lou. I'm  scared" i sobbed and lou hugged me i cried on his chest till i felt better. He told me everything will be alright that i don't  need to worry about Harry. He will be happy. I just hope so.

After lou left i got on the bed and was asleep till i felt a hand in my hairs. I woke  up and saw my Haz looking at me with same orbs i fell in more love with. Those green orbs i admire the most.


"Yes Love." He was here i thought i was dreaming. Then i thought about why was i crying for hours and i need to tell him about this. He needs to know.

"Harry i need to tell you something". I got up in sitting position  and he did the same. He looked worried as if i had those nightmares again  which I'm not having since a while. I know that look on his face.

"Is it those nighmares again are they coming again. Do you need to see dr again. We can go tomorro- " i cut him with my lips on his. He is rambling about those horrible things. And now things got pretty heat up. With him kissing me like no tomorrow and I'm  losing my mind. I need to tell him before i get carried away. I pulled away and he gave me the questioning look as if why i stopped.


"WHAT...." i know he got what i said even if i said it too fast.

"I am pregnant." I put my face in between my hands not wanting to see his reaction. I was too scared to see. But then my hands were removed from my face. He placed his fingers under my chin and made me face him what i saw shocked me... he had tears in his eyes and he was smiling. I think he is happy.

"I'm  gonna be a Dad?". He gave me his breathtakingly beautiful smile. That i die for and it made me smile. I nodded and he pulled me for hug. He hugged me so tightly as if he can't  believe this is happening with him.

"I'm  gonna be a Dad" with that he pulled me towards him and kissed me with so much love and passion. I missed him. I missed him so much. All i need is him and i can conquer the world. Just him by my side i have everything i want in my life. And I'm  happy that we're gonna have a family soon.

Now all i care about is my family the man beside me who is the love of my life and the baby growing inside me. OUR BABY. This is the bestest news I've ever got. I'm carrying i life within myself. And the night went by him making love to me and lots of it. I was so content with my life right now hell i don't care about anyone. I'm  so happy and this ia how i want rest of my life to be.


And here comes my birthday month( not today).. This date is special to me so i thought why not update on this day to make it more memorable..might be 2 or more chapters till this book is completed...all i want is to thank you guyz each and everyone of you.❤

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