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I walked into the clubhouse and make my way up the stairs to the room I now share with North when we stay here. I stop at the door finding North and Pyro yelling at each other. North has my handbag in his hand. They are both so busy yelling that they don't notice that I've entered the room.

"why are you yelling at each other?" I asked stopping next to them.

They both look at me surprise written on their faces. They both look guilty.

"don't do it" Pyro say stepping back and sitting on the end of the bed.

North ignores him, pulls out the pregnancy tests from my bag "You want to tell me something?" he says shaking the box around in the air.

"You went through my bag" I said sounding peeved.

"No, they fell out when I knocked it off the bed and believe me I was surprised as shit to find them on the floor Baby Girl"

"well Mr snoopy they aren't mine. I brought them for Cindy, but she had already done like six, so we made a doctor's appointment and confirmed it, I guess I just never took them out" I said putting the tests back in my bag.

"so, you're not" he says looking at my stomach and then back up his eyes instantly dropping to my stomach.

"No, I'm not" He grabs me mumbling thank god under his breath and kisses me. I push him away "would it be a problem if I was?"

"No Baby Girl but I'm a selfish prick and I wanna keep you all to myself for a while before we start our own family" he says pulling back to his awaiting lips.

"so, Cindy girls preggers ay, who's the father?" Pyro asks

"She doesn't know. She says she doesn't remember sleeping with anyone that night"

"What night?" North asks

"My eighteenth, she said she woke up completely naked in a strange room by herself, but she doesn't remember anything"

"Jesus" they both say

I pull my phone out of my pocket and bring up the photo of her baby from the ultrasound picture on my phone. I hand it to North who studies it before handing it to Pyro, he screws up his nose and squints his eyes.

"it don't look like no baby it looks like a fucking blob" he says handing back the phone.

"Shut up it does not"

Pyro bursts out laughing saying "she's fucking clucky" slapping his thing

North rushes Pyro tacking him to the bed they wrestle and roll around while I laugh at them taking a few photos to send Jacob and Cindy. I send them with a text saying thought you would loves this.

I then back out of the room before yelling "Jacobs gonna love those" and then I run. It doesn't take long before a muscly arm snakes around my waist and hauls me over his shoulder slapping me on the arse he carries me back to the room.

"good luck bro" Pyro says laughing as we pass"

The door slams shut and I'm thrown on the bed with North crawl up my body with a huge smirk on his face.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat