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My eyes track Willow as she walks around our room holding Phoenix to her chest, patting him on the back. She has this huge smile on her face as she sways her hips back and forth, singing softly. Stopping to leave sweet little kisses on his forehead every so often.

Watching her with him I can't help but wonder what it's going to be like when we have a child of our own someday.

Walking over to her I wrap my arms around her kissing her on the forehead I take Phoenix from her.

"Go shower Baby Girl, I get the little guy to sleep and well fix something for dinner," I said patting her on the arse as she walks away.

"You little man are causing one hell of a problem. You see you're making all the chicks around here clucky as all hell. Especially that one and I'm not ready for babies yet. I don't want to share her" looking back down at him I notice his eyes are shut, he's sound asleep.

I hold him for a while longer to make sure he's well settled before walking over to his cot, I lay him down covering him with a blanket.

Turning around I notice Willow standing in the doorway to the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

"You sure are sexy with a baby," she says

Walking over to her I capture her lips in a passionate kiss, palming her ass under the towel I hoist her up, wrapping her legs around my waist I walk us over to the bed. Laying down so she's straddling me, I smirk at her as I rip the towel from her body, throwing it across the room. I pull her down capturing her nipple between my teeth. She grinds her hips over my jean-clad erection.

Pushing my shirt up my body she pinches my nipples rolling them between her fingers. I pull my shirt over my head throwing it in the general direction of the bathroom.

She bends down, dropping a kiss on my lips. She kisses a trail across my face. Nipping my ear with her teeth, she soothes it with a kiss, sucking my ear lobe into her mouth.

Heading south she bites my nipples, in turn, kissing her way down my stomach, she pulls at the button of my jeans with her teeth undoing them. Before using the same technique with my zipper her warm breath slides over the satin of my boxes as she pulls the zipper down.

"Fuck" I hiss as she fingers undo the button of my boxes.

Phoenix lets out a high-pitched cry from his cot. Willow jumps off the bed quickly.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me"

She laughs as she picks up my shirt and slips it over her head, as she makes her way over to the cot. She picks up the screaming baby holding him over her chest as she rubs his back soothing him.

"That right there is why we aren't having any yet" I grumble.

"Go get us some dinner," she says laughing and shooing me away.

I watch as my shirt sways around her hips teasing me for a moment, before I turn and walk out the door. 

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now