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"I... We... Can't" He stammered.

"I want you Tank" I said taking a step towards me

"STOP" He bellowed

I stopped in my tracks looking at him. Why couldn't he see that I was falling in love with him. I wanted to be together for real. I'm pregnant and I'm horny dammit.

"NO... I want sex Tank." I said sucking on my bottom lip "I'm pregnant, and I'm horny."

Turning away from me, he bolted from the room. I fell to the floor as the tears flowed down my cheeks.

I picked up my phone and rang Willow.

"He just walked in what happened" she asked

"he doesn't want me" I cried wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Bullshit Cindy. Get up get dressed. And get over hear and tell him how you feel.

"He looked at me and then walked out" I screamed at her "he doesn't want me"

"He wants you I'm telling you that. Now get here ASAP" she said before hanging up.

I got up. Looking in the mirror my eyes were red and blotchy from crying I had black smudges under my eyes and across my cheeks. Get a make-up wipe I cleaned my face as best I could. I didn't worry about reapplying my make-up I just applied some moisturizing cream.

Going to my wardrobe I pulled out a pair of jeans and a black singlet and Tank hoodie. Pulling my clothes on I slipped my feet into my sandals and walked out of my room.

Arriving at the clubhouse I spotted Willow and North beside his bike, while Jacob and Pup were across the yard a bit. I got out of my car and they both walked over to me wrapping me in their arms for a hug.

"he's in his room Cindy" North said.

"tell him how you feel. Be honest with him" Willow said

"what if he doesn't want me"

North laughed "Sweetheart you got nothing to worry about. Get up there and get your man" he said pulling Willow away from me.

"what are you waiting for go tell that hanky man that he's yours and you're his" Jacob said patting me on the back.

"Ok." I said

I could do this. I walked up to the door. Opening it I walked inside the clubhouse. There were brothers playing pool and drinking. Club girls walking around, a couple of them waved as I made my way over to the stairs. Sucking in a big breath I walked up the stairs running through what I would say when I got there.

Tank I'm falling in love with you. No. Tank I think we should make a real go of us become a family. No telling him I wanted him didn't work. How the hell was I going to word this to him.

I reached his door, I still had no idea what I was going to say to him. Giving myself a pep talk, you can do this just open the door and tell him how you feel. Nothing to it.

I opened the door and walked in stopping in my tracks. Tank is standing there in nothing but a towel water still running down his abs, but that isn't what makes me stop. There standing in a leather jacket, boots and a G-string is a club girl. She stares at me with this huge triumphant smile on her face.

I turn and bolt from the room tears streaming down my face. I can hear Tank yelling out my name as I bolt down the stairs and through the main room of the clubhouse. I pull the door open. I can hear Willow and Jacob calling my name as I bolt to my car, I pull the door open slam it shut and pull away. I can see Tank at the door as I drive out of the lot.

My phone is ringing. But I throw it over my shoulder and turn the music up to drown out the calls. Wiping the tears away I drive.

I'm so stupid. Why would he want someone like me? I was just a one-night stand that he knocked up. "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" I scream at myself hitting the steering wheel.

How dumb was I too think that someone like him would want someone like me.

I pulled over on the side of the road I had driven down a back road on the outskirts of town. I let the tears flow freely. I screamed as I punched the steering wheel the horn blaring.

My heart hurt. It felt like it had been ripped out of my chest. I offered myself up on a sliver platter for him. I stood barely dressed in front of him and he walked away from me.

But he wanted her. One of the club girls who every brother had been with. He doesn't walk away from her.

I scream at the top of my lungs. Letting all my pain and frustration out.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now