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"MUUUMMMM" I screeched at her.

"No, it's ok Cindy" he said putting his hand over mine.

"You're having a baby together Cindy, I'm your mother, I'm allowed to ask questions" she said taking another mouthful of her roast. "do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"sure do. I've got two older sisters. Got a few nieces and nephews to. My parents are still together"

"your family life sound ok. Yet you're in a gang"

"It's a club not a gang" he said putting his fork down. "not everyone has the same family life, we are all from different walks of life. The club brought us together and made us a family. I would take a bullet for anyone of them and they would do the same for me."

"I see" mum said

We all finished eating. Mason asked Tank to go check out his cars. Mum cleared the table as I stacked the dishwasher.

"Cindy I'm"

"No, mum" I interrupted "I can't believe you did that."

"I'm sorry. I wanted to know him more. I wanted to know that he could provide for you and the baby" she said throwing the towel in her hand down on the bench "I want to make sure you and the baby will be safe"

"newsflash mum I don't need a man to be there and hold me up. I am capable of doing that myself. I will get a job after the baby is born and I will provide for the baby and myself. I will find a house" I stormed out of the room.

I walked past Tank and Mason playing with cars in his room. Mason was telling him all about his cars and which ones were his favourite.

I walked into my room and laid on my bed. I hated all my emotions causing havoc with my body and mind. I wanted to cry as much as I wanted to laugh.

My room was fairly spacious. I had a queen size bed, with bedside tables on either side. I had a photo of my dad on one. On the other there was the ultrasound pictures I had framed them and placed them where I could see them before I went to sleep and when I woke up. I had a walk-in closet, a tallboy with a large mirror on it, the mirror had photos tucked into the frame. The tv was mounted to the wall opposite my bed. I had a desk sitting under the winder that looked over to Willow and Jacobs house.

"what you thinking about" Tanks voice came from the door.

"Nothing" I said

"Sure" I heard his footsteps, but I didn't turn around I stayed right where I was not moving. He sat on the edge of the bed. "nice room"


"you framed the ultrasound pics" he asked

"yeh I printed them off my phone"

He laid down next to me. I rolled over so I was looking at him. We laid there not saying anything. I didn't know what we were, were we friends? I didn't know we were taking things slow getting to know each other.

Everytime he was around I found myself getting closer, I wanted to rip his clothes off. I wanted him to devour my mouth. Id never felt this way before. I loved the way he smelt. The way he ran his hands through his hair.

It was getting worse the more time we spent together. I had always noticed Tank. I remembered the very first time I had noticed him.

We were at Willow's spending time out by the pool. Tank and North were in the garage at the back of the yard working on a bike. North watched Willow from a distance but never approached. I felt eyes burning into my skin when I turned around there he was working on a bike, he was hot as sin, wearing dark denim jeans, he wore his cut with no shirt. I couldn't avert my eyes. Pyro and Ice had walked in behind them doucing them in water from buckets. I watched as the water droplets ran down his chest I wanted to walk over there and follow the same trail with my tongue. That was the moment Jacob pushed me into the pool.

"wanna watch a movie?" I asked shaking the memory from my mind

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"wanna watch a movie?" I asked shaking the memory from my mind

"sure" he said steal another one of my pillows and putting it behind him

I walked over and picked up the remote, turning it on and over to Netflix. I searched through stopping on Grimm. "wanna watch Grimm"

"fine by me" I put it on and then left the room to go and get a couple cans of drink. I walked back and sat on the bed. I looked at Tank he had the pillows behind him. I frowned at him he took the cans out of my hands and placed them on the bedside table he then pulled me down and tucked me into his side. I wriggled around a bit. He moved so his front was to my back. I froze feeling his erection pressing into my butt.

"relax sweetheart" he said whispering into my ear.

His hands moved over my stomach. Our daughter kicking his hand. His warm breath fanned out near my ear sending goose bumps down my arms. He chuckled and moved closer gently nipping at my ear lobe, kissing down my neck.

I moved my hips backwards rotaing my butt over his dick.

He started playing with my hair running his finger through it. That was the last thing I remember before sleep took over.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now