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A month had passed since Tank had found out about the baby. I had my second ultrasound this afternoon. Tank was supposed to be meeting me there, he was adamant that he wanted to be at all the baby appointments from now on.

I was excited and nervous at the same time thinking about him being there with me.

I really wanted to find out the sex of the baby, so I could go and buy some baby clothes that weren't gender neutral. I wasn't a fan of yellow so that left that colour out.

Mum thought I was having a girl. Willow and Jacob changed their minds on what I was having on a daily basis. Tank hadn't said much about what he thought it was or what he wanted, he'd just shrug his shoulders and say he was good with whatever. He had said he thought a boy would be easier cause he knew what boys liked but he'd be happy for either or.

I had two hours before my ultrasound, I emptied my bladder like I was supposed to do and started drinking my water. I was scrolling through my phone rereading the messages from last night.

Tank and I had been playing 20 questions. So far, I knew that Tank's favourite colour was Orange. He liked car movies like all the fast and furious movies, gone in 60 seconds, need for speed and Taxi. He loved Mexican food, which I had to agree with him on that Mexican food was good. He wasn't much for dessert but liked milkshakes and cake. He liked all music, not having any favourites.

He had two sisters both older, three nephews and a niece all under the age of 10. His parents lived in town and he had family dinners once a month on Sundays. He was a builder but knew his way around an engine.

Twenty minutes to two I drove myself to my ultrasound, mum couldn't come to this one as Mason had something on at school that she needed to attend. Willow, Jacob and Tank were all going to meet me there. I pulled into the parking lot across the road from the hospital, chugged down the rest of my water. Looking in the mirror I reapplied my lip gloss, grabbed my bag and got out of the car. Locking my car, I walked over to the hospital, in through the glass sliding doors and around to the desk. I told them what I was here for signed the papers and sat down in the waiting area.

Five minutes later Tank walked in and sat down beside me "hi"

"hey, sorry I'm late" he said

"you're not, besides I was early, and Willow and Jacob aren't here yet"

We waited another ten minutes in silence. Tank was texting someone on his phone. So, I just scrolled through Facebook. Willow and Jacob arrived walking in

"Thank god we didn't miss it" Willow said taking the seat on the other side of me.

"no, you just made it" I said as the ultrasound technician came through the door and called my name.

We all walked in through the door like last time she asked me to sit on the bed and pull my shirt up. I laid back with my baby bump on display. She told me this will be cold and then she put the wand on my lower abdomen, moving it around. "I'm just gonna take some measurements" she fiddles with a few buttons as I watched the screen.

I turned and looked at Tank, his eyes were glued to the screen seeing the image for the first time. He looked at me and smiled taking my hand and holding it in his, he looked back at our baby.

"are we wanting to find out the sex today"

"yes please" I said

"ok then" she turned back to the screen moving the wand around a little "looks like your having a girl. Congratulations" she said removing the wand she gave me some tissues to wipe up the gel.

"A girl" Willow clapped her hands "I knew it"

I pulled my shirt down, sitting up with a little help from Tank the ultrasound technician handed us the photos.

We said good bye and walked out. "I can't wait to go shopping" Jacob said

"you and me both" Willow said jumping around "baby clothes here I come"

Laughing at them both I pulled my phone out of my bag took a photo of the ultrasound picture and sent it to my mum with a text saying, 'it's a baby girl'.

Mum: (: congrats a girl...

Came her instant reply.

"send me that pic" Jacob said pointing to my phone

"oh, me too" Willow said "I can't believe you're having a girl"

They walked to Willow's car waving "we'll see you later" they said shutting the doors. They drove away waving as they passed us.

I stood there with Tank not knowing what to do "a daughter ay" he finally said.

"yeah" I said handing him the picture, he smiled taking it.

"do you wanna go grab something to eat?" he asked

"umm sure" I answered

"red rooster ok with you"

"you bet" I said


Hey guys

Thankyou for reading and voting/commenting. Really appreciate it.

So quick question.

What do you guys think should happen next?

Should Cindy and Tank Kiss?

Let me know your thoughts.


Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now