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Tonight, I am taking Cyndi out on an official date, our official first date. I have everything planned. 

Willow and North are taking Phoenix for a few hours, or maybe the night. 

Willow and Cyndi are upstairs getting ready. Willow has to get Cyndi ready without letting anything slip about the date.

When I  first told Willow and North what I have planned, Willow got teary-eyed and excited, gushing all about romance not being dead. North just glared at me.

I was taking her on a surprise date, I wanted everything to be perfect. Everything was ready and waiting, I just needed the girl of the hour to come downstairs so we could get moving. I didn't want the food to get cold or the drinks to go warm.

I was getting impatient, North and Pyro are laughing at me from across the room. Occasionally one would yell something out, and they would both cack themselves. I was doing my best to ignore them.

Willow walked into the room carrying Pheonix, followed by Cyndi. My eyes roamed down her body slowly taking her in. She was wearing a black skirt, that hit about mid-knee, with a split that went halfway up. She had a low cut blue shirt that showed off her shoulders and the swells of her breasts nicely. Killer strappy black heels made her legs look longer, I wanted to take her to bed in nothing but the heels. Her hair was tied back with some left out, framing her face. She looked absolutely stunning.

Walking over to her, I licked my lips as she gave me a shy smile. I was going to marry this girl one day. She had wrecked me for life. Completely destroyed me. 

Pulling her to me, I lowered my mouth to hers.

"Ready Sexy Mumma?" I asked grabbing her hand

"Ready for what exactly?" she asked nervously looking around the room.

"Never you mind, that's for me to know and you to find out" I teased, leading her from the room.

"What about Phoenix?" she asked looking over her shoulder. I look in his direction, North is standing behind Willow, whispering in her ear. The guy was so screwed if he wasn't careful, he'd be holding one himself soon.

"Willow and North are looking after him," I tell her.

Pulling her out of the room, I lead her to my ute, that was parked near the entrance. I hadn't had it that long, preferring to ride with the wind wiping around me than being trapped in a hunk of metal with the a.c on. I only got it because the little guy needed to be transported from a to b and Cyndi wouldn't let me buy her a new car.

Pulling away from the clubhouse, I kept driving us out of town. The place we are going wasn't too far, but I didn't want to give anything away either. So, I decided to take a couple of detours.

Cyndi was looking out the window, humming along to the song playing on the radio. As I headed out of town she began looking around more.

"Where are we going?"

"That's a surprise," I said slowing down to go over a cattle grid. Pulling the ute up, turning towards the backseat and grabbing out the scarf I had stashed there earlier.

"Ok Sexy Mumma, I'm gonna tie this around your face like a blindfold," I say securing the scarf around her head. Kissing her on the lips "now no peeking."

I continue driving to our destination. It doesn't take much longer before I'm pulling the ute up. Jumping out, I grab the stuff I need from the back and get to work quickly setting everything up. Laying the blanket on the ground, I set the box of food down on top, along with the wine and beer.

Walking back to Cyndi, I open her door and grab her hips, I slowly helping her down from the ute, her body slides down mine. Grabbing her hand, I guide her over to the blanket. Standing in front of her, I give her a slow kiss, she moans into my mouth as she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me towards her more.

Pulling back, I give her bottom lip a quick bite before pulling away completely. I untie the blindfold, letting it fall away. She flutters her eyes at me, blinking a couple of times. Stepping away from her I capture her hand in mine, bringing it to my lips and kissing it.

"Taa daa"

"You did all this for me?" she asks shocked

"You deserve it, and more" 

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя