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"we all down with the plan" North asked. Looking around the table at everyone.

Everyone around the table nodded and said yes.

The plan was that tonight I would go to the club house to watch movies with everyone. Pyro and Ice would find out where Tank was and hopefully he'd be in his room otherwise we would wait until he turned up, wait a bit and the plan would kick into action. I would go up to the room I ran out of that early that morning and hopefully we would find out who the baby daddy is. Everyone around the table had a feeling it was Tank. I still wasn't sure.

It was six pm when I arrived at the clubhouse with Jacob. I had picked him up because his car was playing up.

Willow came bounding down the stairs excitedly with North and Pyro following behind her.

"he's not here" she whined pulling me in and giving me a hug. She then bent over and rubbed her hands around my belly muttering stuff to the baby.

"well can we still watch movies then?" I asked. I really just wanted to sit down. I'd spent all day shopping my feet hurt.

"of course, we can he'll come home soon" Pyro said leading the way the room that they had converted into a big TV room.

It had a massive flat screen TV with surround sound. There was a large comfy corner chase in the centre of the room one side against the wall in from of the TV and a few recliner lounges around the room to. There was a huge shelving unit that was filled with DVD's. Willow was the reason the guys had this room Sunday was the official movie day around here. Willow and Molly baked every Sunday morning, in the afternoon they would all come to eat and veg out watching movies. Usually the door was locked during parties.

Pyro picked one of the saw movies to watch. I wasn't a huge fan of horror movies, but it took my mind off everything else.

Half way thru the movie in one of the gory scenes I covered my mouth and ran from the room about to be sick. I ran into the bathroom and leant over the toilet. I hated this part about being pregnant. For the most part I had gotten over the morning sickness, some smells still got to me and now this.

I went to this sink and washed my mouth out, I found a tube of toothpaste in the draw of the sink, so I put some on my finger and ran it along all my teeth and tongue taking a mouth full of water I swished it around my mouth. At least my mouth would taste better, and I wouldn't not someone out with my puke breath.

As I walked out of the bathroom Tank was walking in through the main door heading towards the TV room, he looked my way giving me a death stare before turning around and walking up the stairs.

I walked back into the room and sat back between Willow and Jacob.

"you alright" Willow asked

"Yeah just the joys of being pregnant" I said "Ah Tanks back too I just seen him, he was heading in here until he seen me then he turned and hightailed it up the stairs"

"Alright" North said pausing the movies "it's show time" he wiggled his eyebrows up and down at me.

I just shook my head and laughed.

Pyro stood holding his hand out to help me up he said "lead the way darl. Your baby daddy awaits"

"I'm not sure I can do this" I whispered

Pyro stopped in front of me being the only to have heard me.

"Yes, you can"

"he hates me he wont even stay in the same room as me" I said

"I don't think that's because he hates you"


"Listen he left early Sunday morning after Willows eighteenth he went on a run to sort some stuff out. He didn't know you were pregnant and honestly, we didn't know the baby could be his or we would have told him, and he'd have come straight back. He doesn't know you can't remember that night"


"no buts, get up there to see who's behind the baby daddy door"

"What if he doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby" I asked sound really unsure.

"then I'll kick his arse, you have the support of your friends Cindy and you have the support of this club" he said grabbing my hand "now come on let's get this over with"

I walked up the stair with Willow, Jacob, North, Pyro and Ice following behind me. I went to the door I had left early that morning.

I stopped turned around and looked at them all. They all nodded their heads towards the door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

A couple of seconds later the door flew open with a very pissed off Tank standing there shirtless

"what the fuck do you want" he yelled

"I.. I.." I turned and ran with tears rolling down my cheeks. I jumped in my car and drove home.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now