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As the water pours down over my head, I contemplate all the things I must do today. Phoenix and I have spent the last couple of nights at the clubhouse with Tank. We are spending more and more time together since Phoenix was born. We have been discussing getting a house and moving in together. Tank wants to buy a house for us, big enough for our family to grow into, I want to start off slow and rent a flat, just big enough for the three of us.

Lathering up my hair with shampoo, giving my scalp a good massage. Grabbing the conditioner, I squirt a little in my hand, running it through the ends of my hair. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, giving my teeth a good scrub. After brushing my teeth, I wash my body down with Tank's body wash, making sure I shave my armpits in the process. Rinsing everything off I shut off the water, stepping out of the shower, I wrap my body with a large fluffy towel.

Hearing the main door to the room open and close, I grab my hairbrush out of my bag, I run it through my hair as I walk towards the door opening it, I walk out of the bathroom, stopping cold in my tracks as Stacey stands over the cot looking down at Phoenix with a knife in her hand. She's muttering under her breath, as she swings the knife back and forth on the side on the cot.

"I wouldn't come any closer if I were you" She sneers, not even looking up as she points the knife in my direction.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask taking a step forward

"Ah uh Bitch, don't come any closer" she yells, leaning into the cot as she picks Phoenix up "you got it figured out, don't you? Give him a baby. Make him yours. Did you plan it all out with your little friend? Two innocent little dove's getting the big bad bikers, although you aren't so innocent like your friend are you" Phoenix picks this moment to start crying, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"What are you talking about? Just give me my baby. Please" I beg

"I Love Him" She screams pointing the knife at me. "You ruined everything. I was going to have a baby. I was going to be the best mum. I would have been a better mum then you, I was going to love my child. I was leaving the life of a club slut behind for him. I'd have given up everything" she wails.

"Please just put him down, you can do anything you want to me just please don't hurt him. Please"

"I won't hurt him. He was supposed to be mine" Staring down at Phoenix she starts to rock him back and forth, trying to settle him down. But he just keeps wailing, getting louder and louder

"Shhhh, hush little man" she whispers, kissing him on the forehead.

I feel sick to my stomach standing here watching as she shushes my baby.

She starts pacing the room. Tears rolling down her cheeks. "Why did they take my baby? Why couldn't I keep him? Why is life so unfair to me? But you get to keep your perfect little bundle of joy. Why Cyndi can you answer that for me?"

"Look here Stacey that is my baby, hand him over please. I'm begging you. I don't know what is going on here but if you hand him over, I'll help you in any way I can. Just please hand Phoenix to me"

Just then the door swings open, Tank steps into the room stopping dead in his tracks. He looks around the room taking in the scene before him.

"What the fuck s going on here?"

Startled Stacey swings around stabbing the knife towards Tank "Don't even think about it" she bellows. "I don't want to hurt this baby, but I will if you take one more step Tank"

Tank holds his hands in the air, taking a step back.

"Stacey give me my son" Tank demands

"He's not your son Tank, She' not your innocent little angel. She had a baby and passed it of as yours to keep you on your god damn leash." She bellows.

"You think I don't know all that, you think I'm so stupid I would sign up for a baby that I don't want. Phoenix is my son in every sense of the word. I claim him as mine as I claim his mother as mine. Not my DNA but my son, my name, my world." He says walking towards her.

She thrusts the knife forwards swipe it in front of Tanks stomach, I see the blood fling from the knife as he grabs her wrist and holds it away from her. Pulling her forward he holds the knife away from him and Phoenix as he hugs her to him.

Motioning me over with his head.

Slowly I walk over to him, sidestepping them both. Take takes Phoenix from her, handing him to me. Grabbing Phoenix and holding him tightly to my chest, I run from the room, heading straight down the hallway to Willow and Norths room.

Barging through the door I slam it shut behind me.

"What the hell Cyndi?" North demands walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Willow pokes her head out from behind him.

"Sss sstacey was in our.. in our room. She had Phoenix and and a knife. Ta.. Taa.. Tank is hurt" I manage through my sobs.

Dropping the towel from around his waist North throws it at Willow as he hops into a pair of jeans he picked up off the floor. He rushes out of the room as Willow takes Phoenix from my arms, Leading me over to the bed.

"Sit down hunni, breath. You are both safe" she says patting Phoenix on the back, settling his cries.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now