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I laid in bed staring at the picture of my unborn baby girl. I still found it hard to believe that I was going to be a father, but a father to a little girl. What was I supposed to do with a girl? I didn't know the foggiest thing about little girls.

When Cindy laid on that bed and my baby came up on the screen it was surreal. Before it was just a pregnancy I hadn't thought that much about it but seeing her move around and hearing the heartbeat made it all so much more real. There was a baby in there. My Baby.

I had been taking my time getting to know Cindy. I had always thought she was one of the hottest chicks out there but like Willow she was underage, so she was put on a shelf and admired. She turned eighteen before Willow did and then at Willow's eighteenth she was flirting with me and all over me. I didn't know she was that drunk or I never would have gone there, I'd have waited for her to be sober.

Now that she was pregnant she was radiant, I couldn't take my eyes off her. I loved to watch her when we were watching movies. She always sat with her hand on her stomach, she would smile and move her hand up and down.

The baby had started kicking, Cindy said she'd been feeling it for a while but before it was more like butterfly's not full on kicks. I had yet to feel the baby kick, but I was hoping I'd get to soon. I could wait to feel my little princess kicking my hand.

I picked up my phone and sent Cindy a text 'you awake?'

Cindy: yeh

Tank: what do u think of the name Kayla

Cindy: I've got a cousin Kayla

Tank: oh, Martha

Cindy: sounds to old

Tank: lol Ashleigh

Cindy: hmm maybe I like Harlow tho

Tank: Yeh that's pretty.

Cindy: yeh I dunno why but I've always liked that name

Harlow, I didn't mind that name. The more I ran it through my head 'Harlow' even saying it out loud a couple of times "Harlow Stevens". We just had to come up with a middle name to go with it.

Tank: Harlow Stevens

Cindy: why Stevens. I'm assuming that's your last name. But Y can't we use my last name.

Tank: It's my baby so we are using my last name Sweetheart

Cindy: I don't even know your real name

Tank: Brandon Stevens

Cindy: middle name?

Tank: Michael

Cindy: Thank you. Brandon Michael Stevens

Tank: Don't sweat it Sweetheart

I waited for her reply, but none came I figured she must have fallen asleep. She'd been doing that every night we text.


It had been a long day at work. I came straight back to the clubhouse. I walked in ignoring all the yells from the guys and club girls. I went straight to my room. Slammed the door shut and locked it. Stripping myself off I went and straight to the shower standing under the hot water washing the day away.

Getting out I dried myself. Quickly getting dress I threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt, throwing my cut over the top. I was going over to Cindy's tonight we were gonna watch a movie and I was going to get to know her mum and little brother.

I arrived at Cindy's, knocking on the door I waited for someone to open it. It was opened a couple of minutes later by a kid no higher then my leg. He looked up at me without saying a word, he just stared.

"hey kid" I said holding my hand out to him.

"h. hhhi" he stuttered

"how ya going?"

He looked down the hallway before mumbling "I'm good" so low I could barely hear him.

"Mason I'm Tank, im a friend of Cindy's"

He took off running down the hallway. I stepped inside the house shutting the door behind me. I followed the kid down the hallway. The loungeroom was to my right. There were photos lining the hallway. The hallway opened into a spacious kitchen and dining room. Her mum turned around taking notice of me.

"hey I'm Tank" I said holding my hand out to her.

"hi Tank. I'm Kathryn Southwell, Cindy's mum" she said shaking my hand.

I stood across the room to an open glass door, Cindy was laying on a trampoline in the late afternoon sun, she had her top up exposing her baby belly to the sun. Kathryn noticed where my eyes were focused.

"You should go out there" she said nodding her head towards Cindy

I nodded my head at her and walked out the door across the yard to Cindy. She was sound asleep. She was wearing pyjama shorts light pink leopard print with a black tank top. Her hair was fanned out around her.

I climbed onto the trampoline beside her. I rolled her to her side and tucked her in to my chest. I placed my hands on her belly, moving the hair off her shoulder I breathed her in. resting my lips just below her ear. That's when I felt it, I moved my hand pressing down a little harder, there it was again. I kept my hand there feeling our daughter kicking up a storm. I couldn't think of anything I would rather be doing right now then laying here feeling my daughter kick.

"somebody likes their daddy" Cindy spoke half asleep. I could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke.

"it's amazing sweetheart"

She rolled over onto her back. I didn't move my hand as a stared down at her.

"you are so beautiful" I whispered tucking her hair behind her ear. She looked back me with a hesitant smile.

"I'm want to kiss you" I told her my eyes zeroing in on her lips.

She licked her lips. "she's gotta good kick on her" I murmured feeling our daughter kicking my stomach which was pressed against Cindy. She was laying half under me as I leant over her.

"dinner's ready" Kathryn call through the back door.

I pulled away "come on" I said taking her hand and pulling her up. I stepped down to the ground. Cindy was standing on the trampoline slightly jumping. I grabbed her hand again and pulled her towards me. I lent forward placing a kiss on her stomach. I wrapped my arms around her, lifting her off the trampoline.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now