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Tank had left early this morning I vaguely remember him saying goodbye. I slept for a few more hours after that.

Waking up my stomach felt tight and I had lower back pain I decided to go and have a hot shower.

I grabbed my towel and went across to the bathroom. Turning the shower on, I strip off my clothes while I wait for the water to heat up. Jumping into the shower I stand and let the hot water fall over my head and back. The water feels amazing and relieves some of the pressure on my lower back. I grab the shampoo and squirt some into my hand, rubbing my hands together and spread it through my hair lathering it up, I massage my scalp as scrub my hair. Standing under the hot spray I rinse the shampoo from my hair.

I grab my body wash squirting some into my hands I lather it over my body and rinse off. I brush my teeth while in the shower. Shutting off the water. I wrap my hair into a towel and then grabbing the other towel I wrap it around my body.

I walk back across to my room. Grab out some underwear and a sports bra. I slowly get dressed. Sitting down at the end of my bed I put my elbows on my knees and rest my head in my hands. Taking big deep breaths to try and get the room to stop spinning. When the dizziness subsides, I pick up my phone checking the time it's a little after one. Mum's at work and Mason is still at school.

The pains in my lower back haven't stopped so I go to the kitchen grab the wheat bag and put into the microwave to heat it up. I take a couple nurofen with a glass of icy water, grabbing the wheat bag and glass of water I go into the loungeroom to lay down. I lay on my side bringing my legs up towards my stomach and place the wheat bag on my lover bag between me and the back of the lounge. Pulling the throw rug from the back of the lounge and covering myself with it. I turn the TV on and flick through the channels, finding there isn't much on I leave it on Criminal Minds.

I must have drifted back off to sleep because the next thing I knew Mason was running around yelling about what he had gotten up to at school and mum was asking what we wanted to do for dinner tonight.

Standing up I go to walk into the kitchen. Wrapping my arms around my stomach I stop as a massive wave of pain hits.

Mum comes rushing into the room putting her arms around me.

"Are you ok?" she asks

"It hurts" I whimper

"Where about does it hurt?" she asks

"my stomach and lower back" I answer grinding my teeth together

"How long have you been in pain for" she asks rubbing her hand across my lower back

"since I woke up, but it wasn't this bad"

"Mason Get Cindy's Handbag and Get In The Car" she screams out. "we're going to go to the hospital and get you checked out ok" she says grabbing her handbag and keys.

Mason comes running out of my room with my bag over his shoulder and goes straight to the car opening the door he climbs in. I walk slowly to the car and open my door to get in.

Every bump mum hit sent a jarring pain in lower back. When we arrived the hospital, mum dropped me off at the emergency and went to park the car. I waited against the building for her and Mason to come back. Mason came running around the corner with mum following him, she had her phone held up to her ear talking.

We walked in and went straight to the maternity ward and spoke to a nurse she took us back to a room and asked me to lay on the bed and lift my shirt up. She attached some bands and two circle things to my stomach. She took then took my BP and attached a clip to my finger. She wrote it all down and then said a doctor would be in soon.

We didn't have to wait long for the doctor

"hi Cynthia, I'm Dr Madison Behler. I hear your in some pain"

"yeah my back and stomach"

"can you describe the pain for me" She asks

"Its like a rolling pain it started in the middle of my back but its gotten lower and sharper like period pain only worse and sometimes it feels like a stabbing pain"

"Ok Cynthia, I'm going to do an internal examination to see if you are dilated"


"I'll need you to remove your bottoms" she said putting a sheet over my lower half.

"We'll just wait in the hallway Cindy" mum said taking Mason into the hallway

The doctor washed her hands and put gloves on she grabbed a bottle and put some gel on her fingers.

"Put your feet up towards your bottom and knees apart" she said lifting the sheet slightly. I did as she said, "this may feel uncomfortable."

It hurt like a bitch when she inserted her fingers into me. I gritted my teeth and groaned. Pulling her hand away she took the gloves off and disposed of them.

"You're not dilated but you are in the early stages of labour. It's a too early for this baby to come so we want to give you an injection to stop the labour from progressing, we'll keep you over night to see what happens but hopefully you should be right to go home tomorrow. I'll get the nurse to come in and give you're the shot" she said and then walked out.

I sat up and pulled my bottoms back on just before mum, Mason and Tank walked into the room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

"Your mum rang me and told me she thought you were in labour, so I rushed right over" he said walking over to the bed.

"Their gonna give me a needle to stop it and hopefully I'll get to go home tomorrow"

A nurse came back into the room carrying a tray with her. "hey Cynthia, I'm just going to give you this needle in your bottom ok, I'll need you to roll over for me"

I held Tanks hand as she put the needle in.

"all done. I'll come back later and check on you" she said and left the room.

"so, no baby today then?" Mason asked

"No bud not today" Tank said ruffling his hair


"because it isn't time for her to come yet"

We sat around in the room talking for a while before mum decided to take Mason home.

Tank climbed up next to me on the bed and I settled into his side.

"get some rest sweetheart" he said.

I decided to shut my eyes and do as he said.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Where stories live. Discover now