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Hey guys,

Thankyou for your patience. This chapter has taken me a bit to write and I still don't know if I'm happy with it. 

Shorter chapter then I usually write.

Enjoy. and let me know what you think.


We'd been back home for over two weeks. I stayed most nights with Tank we spent week nights at mine and weekends we stayed at the clubhouse.

There was usually a club party on Friday or Saturdays, sometimes both. We went spent time with our friends before I exhaustion would claim me, and we'd head upstairs.

The first club party after we got back we went as an official couple, I received quite a few dirty looks from some of the club girls. I was welcomed to the family by Tanks club brothers. Tank didn't leave myside all night. We sat a table near the pool table, were he taught me how to play pool which wasn't easy when every time I bent over to take my shot my stomach got in the way. In the end I gave up and sat at the table watching Tank play against one of the brothers. Willow and Jacob joined me in watching the guys play each other.

Mum was happy that we had sorted our stuff out and that we were working at being together.

Mason was over the moon to have another guy around the house. They'd go out the back of an afternoon and throw the football around.

When I got home, I sat down and had a talk with mum. We talked about everything. I told her about how I was feeling about Tank. How I had walked into Tanks room and found Stacey. How I had ran from it all to break down on my own. I told her about Danni and going into the delivery room with her.

Mum sat there and listened to everything I had to say. She told me how Tank had come to see her freaking out because he couldn't find me. She said that she knew Tank was in love with me before he even said it.

Willow and Jacob were happy for us. Telling us it was about time we got our shit together but that if I ever disappeared like that again I was in big shit.

I had two weeks to go until my due day. As the days grew closer I grew more and more nervous. I had spent the last week washing and folding everything for the baby. I had all the baby clothes put away in draws.

I had my bag packed, with everything I would need while I was in hospital. I had stressed over what I would need while I was there. Mum told me to pack comfy pants nothing that would be too tight, lots of underwear, some shirts, a few maternity bras, pads and my toiletries.

The baby bag was a lot easier to pack. I had a couple of outfits, nappies, wipes, cream, dummies and blankets. Mum had said the baby wouldn't need much while at the hospital, but I figured it was best to keep the nappy bag pack with a few extras just in case.

We were ready, more than ready.

Giving birth scared the shit out of me. A part of me wanted Tank in the room with me when I gave birth. The other part of me hated the very thought of him in the room with me, watching me go through what I watched Danni go through.

A couple days after we got back Tank had come home and given me a piece of paper.

"What's this?" I asked unfolding the paper

"test results" he said grabbing a beer from the fridge

"Test results for what?" I asked

"I'm always gonna keep you safe Cindy. Your safety is paramount to me" he said "so I took myself to the doctors and got tested for STI's baby. I'm safe"

He got tested. He went and got tested I didn't know what to say that. I wiped the tears from my cheeks. If I didn't know I loved him before I definitely did now.

I threw myself at him throwing my arms around his neck. He caught me effortlessly covering my mouth with his.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora