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When Cyndi and Phoenix are clear from the room, I feel relieved, knowing they are out of harm's way.

Shoving Stacey off me, I watch as she crumbles to the ground balling her eyes out. Her shirt has my blood smeared across it. Looking up at me her makeup is running down her face in black rivers.

"I'm sorry" She cries

"What The Hell Were You Thinking" I bellow at her.

"I'm sorry" she screams on a broken cry "I wanted my baby" tears start rolling down her face.

"He is not your baby"

"I know that I'm not stupid" She screams standing up again.

North enters the room behind me as Stacey starts to pace the floor in front of us. "I wanted to keep my baby, I loved him from the moment I found out I was pregnant. I was so ready to be a mum. I did everything right. I followed all the doctors advise. I didn't drink, smoke or do drugs. I ate right. I went to all my appointments. I did everything right. Then I went into labour, my parents rushed me to the hospital, and I gave birth to the most precious little boy" She says stopping she sits down on the bed holding her head in her hands.

"Stacey," I say as I approach her

She holds up her hand stop us from approaching

"I lost him Tank, there was no newborn scream, he made no sound. I asked and I asked over and over again until a nurse shook her head. I don't remember what was said after that. I remember being asked if I wanted to hold him. They placed him in my arms, his perfect little lips were blue, he was so still but he was my baby boy. He'd be a year-old today. I had to bury my baby I'll never know what he would look like as a toddler or a little boy or a teenager, I never got to hear him cry, I'll never get to hear him call me mummy".

"Stacey, did you intend to hurt Phoenix?" Molly says walking further into the room. We hadn't noticed her standing there before. She sits down next to Stacey on the bed as we stand in front of them waiting for Stacey to talk.

"No, I would never, I just wanted to hold him just for a minute, I wanted to know what I had missed out on" she cries wiping her tears away with her hand. "I buried my son; I was so lost I didn't know where to turn my parents kept telling me time would heal everything and it would be ok. But they couldn't know they had never lost a child. I packed my bags that night jumped in my car and left. I kept driving for hours until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I did the same thing for 3 days only stopping to refill my car. When I finally stopped, I drowned my sorrows in a bottle of cheap wine. Red found me that weekend and the rest is history, I've been here ever since" as her voice fades her sobs increase. Molly rubs her back in soothing circles.

"I think you need some help Stacey; you need to stop finding the answers in the bottom of the bottle and seek help. Yes, I know it's not easy and every day of your life you will remember that baby, how he grew in your stomach. You'll remember the love and the loss, but you can carry on Sweetheart because you are truly a beautiful women and you deserve to love someone wholeheartedly. I know this because I lost a baby too, I never carried to full term, I never got to hold my baby."

Stacey wraps her arms around Molly crying into her shoulder.

"We'll leave you to it, Molly," I say, Molly nods.

Walking out of the room, we shut the door behind us.

"What the fuck happened?" North asks

"I walked into the room to find Stacey holding Phoenix and wielding a knife, Cyndi was begging her not to hurt Phoenix it honestly scared the shit out of me man. I kept thinking Cyndi or Phoenix would be hurt, I had to think quickly so I started towards her she swiped at me and I grabbed her."

"Jesus man," North says slapping me on the back.

Walking into Norths room Cyndi comes running towards me, throwing herself at me. I wrap her around me hugging her tightly. Surveying the room, I find North holding Willow with one arm around her waist as she holds Phoenix in her arms asleep.

"You right with him?" I ask North

"Yeah man Your right," he says shooing us out of the room.

Placing Cyndi on her feet she observes the blood on my shirt. Noticing the panic in her eyes I grab her hands. "It's just a scratch nothing to worry about," I tell her kissing her forehead.

Walking out of the room with Cyndi, I head towards my bike. Handing her a helmet we climb on. With her wrapped around my back, I drive out of the parking lot.

Tank (Hell's Legacy MC Series) book 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin