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She could have done it herself, and Feng Yu Heng was confidence she would have done it better. But she must keep her identity a secret! She had to remind herself that she was just a 12 year old girl. Just a little girl.

The old man also set to work. He pulled a scalpel out of his medical kit and began scraping the dead flesh from the brocade-wearing man.

Scrape by scrape, the blood dripped from the wound. Bai Ze even furrowed his brows while watching. Feng Yu Heng and the brocade-wearing man, however, looked as though nothing were wrong.

She was calm because she had complete faith in her medicine, while he truly did not feel even the slightest bit of pain! He couldn't help but glance towards the bottle of medicine a few more times.

The old man's technique was also skillful. Not long after, all the dead flesh had been removed. Bai Ze brought more clean water to rinse the wound, and Feng Yu Heng took advantage of the situation to spray the medicine again. Seeing it sprayed again, the brocade-wearing man couldn't help feel his heart ache- "I didn't feel any pain, so spare some of it."

"Shush." She looked him over once, and he lower his head in silence.

The old man, using both hands, held the top and bottom portions of the patella. His voice sounded out: "I'll be setting the bones. After the bones are set, I will bind the injured area with medicinal bandages. All that remains is to get plenty of rest."

The brocade-wearing man indicated he understood, so the old man said no more. He firmly held the bones with his hands, then suddenly exerted some power. A "clack" sound rang out. One patella had been set.

"Leave this to me. You go ahead and set the other leg." Feng Yu Heng, holding a thick branch, received the old man's medical kit and began rummaging around.

The old man could see that she understood medical practices, so he did not stop her. Instead, he walked around to the other side.

The medical kit contained a small variety of medicinal herbs. There were enough common herbs, but...

Feng Yu Heng was uneasy. The injury was too severe. If the medicinal bandages alone were used, then it would probably not be sufficient. The conditions present on this mountain were abysmal. It was wet and humid, which made infection very likely. This damnable era. What is the Da Shun dynasty? In the past, she had never seen it in any history books. There probably wouldn't be any anti-inflammatory drugs either.

Thinking briefly, she reached her right hand in to her sleeve and pulled a small pouch of antibiotics from her pharmacy.

These antibiotics originally belonged to the army, but she had taken them back to her pharmacy in some large self-sealing bags. She then separated them in to fifty smaller packages.

"What is this now?" Bai Ze expressed curiously, no longer doubting her.

"Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand." She said, unwilling to divulge too much. "Either way, it can only help with his injury. There's nothing bad in it."

She poured some medical powder on the wound then wrapped it with a cotton cloth from the medical kit. Then she used the branch as a knee brace to keep it stable.

With this side completed, the other knee had also been mended. Repeating the steps, she wrapped the other leg. With this, both legs were treated, and the old man finally let out a sigh. Slightly trembling, he looked at the brocade-wearing man.

The man stared at his legs for quite a while. Only then did he raise his head and thank the old man. He then ordered Bai Ze: "Safely escort this gentleman back to the prefecture capital."

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now