Chen Family and Feng Family Make a Clean Break

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Feng Jin Yuan felt that this daughter was truly a slap to the face. Angrily flicking is sleeve, he said: "Send the fourth young miss back to her room. Send someone to keep watch. Absolutely do not let her take even half a step out of her room!"

Han shi was very surprised and recalled how the Feng family had treated Chen shi a few days prior. In an instant, she seemed to see Fen Dai meeting the same outcome as Chen shi: "Husband!" She hugged Feng Jin Yuan's leg, "Husband, you can not treat Fen Dai like this! She is still just a little child who does not understand anything. Husband, you can not kill Fen Dai like the head madam!"

"Kill?" Feng Yu Heng was very surprised, "Mother was killed?"

"Nonsense!" Feng Jin Yuan kicked Han shi far to the side, his heart no longer feeling even a shred of love for this concubine, "How could my Feng family have a mother and daughter like this? Servants! Lock both of them up!"

Immediately, some servants came forth and dragged Han shi away with Fen Dai. Finally, the noisiness died down. Feng Jin Yuan turned around and said to Feng Yu Heng: "A-Heng, do not worry. Father will make things right for the things that happened today."

He was obviously speaking of the mess caused by Fen Dai. Feng Yu Heng smiled and even saluted her father, saying: "Then A-Heng will thank father. Being able to have father fairly deal with eldest brother, A-Heng truly feels extremely flattered." Seeing Feng Jin Yuan's face become whiter and whiter, she continued: "Father, quickly go to the front yard. Do not keep the two Highnesses waiting."

Feng Jin Yuan helplessly nodded and quickly left.

Seeing Feng Jin Yuan depart with everyone in tow, Yao shi and An shi along with Xiang Rong and Zi Rui were the only ones remaining. Zi Rui did not understand what exactly had happened and asked Feng Yu Heng: "Why did fourth sister speak like that to brother Highness?"

Feng Yu Heng patted his head and told him: "Because fourth sister is tired of living."

Yao shi advised her: "Don't randomly scare little children."

Only then did she change her tone: "Zi Rui will grow up some day. He will need to know about the problems of the Feng manor sooner or later."

An shi was quite angry, "That Fen Dai's demeanor is completely like Chen shi. Having caused such troubles in the manor, I really do not know what sort of bright future she can have."

Feng Yu Heng sneered, "Who cares if her future is bright or not. Let's just happily enjoy our days." Saying this, she grabbed Xiang Rong and Zi Rui then headed towards the front yard. Yao shi and An shi also quickly followed along.

The mourning hall had been rebuilt in Peony courtyard. Xuan Tian Hua went up and lit three sticks of incense and began praying. Xuan Tian Ming could only watch from the side because of his handicapped legs.

Feng Jin Yuan did not dare to cause a fuss. Having the two princes come offer their condolences was already something that gave him face. If it weren't for the trouble earlier in the day, his Feng family would have gained quite a bit of face. Thinking along these lines, he felt extremely disappointed towards that son and daughter.

Xuan Tian Hua stuck the sticks of incense in the incense burner then said to the matriarch and Feng Jin Yuan: "Do not mourn too greatly."1 The two quickly thanked Xuan Tian Hua.

When they finished offering their condolences, they prepared to leave. Xuan Tian Hua turned around and saw a woman in plain clothing coming in from the outside.

He was stunned for a moment. When the girl walked in, he discovered that it was a Feng Chen Yu that had redone her make up and drawn on eyebrows.

When Chen Yu arrived at the mourning hall, she was too preoccupied to greet Feng Jin Yuan or the matriarch. She went directly towards Xuan Tian Hua and bowed before him. Using a very fine and delicate voice, she said: "Chen Yu thanks your Highness the seventh prince for coming to offer condolences for my mother. Chen Yu will remember your Highness' kindness."

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