Star of Disaster not Removed, Feng Manor Welcomes Disaster

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Xuan Tian Ming did not even look at the shoes, instead he stared at Feng Fen Dai for a long time.

Fen Dai's was already acting as if she were betrothed to him, so how could she handle being stared at so straight-forwardly. Her face turned red, and she lowered her head, fidgeting in embarrassment.

Xuan Tian Ming was absolutely baffled and could not help but ask Feng Yu Heng: "Who is this person?"

Feng Yu Heng informed him: "The manor's fourth young miss."

"Oh." He stretched out the last syllable, adjusting the whip in his hands.

How could Feng Jin Yuan not understand Xuan Tian Ming's temper. He quickly berated Fen Dai in fear: "Come back! With his Highness here, how could you be permitted to speak!"

Fen Dai was not reconciled, "But this is clearly second sister's shoe..." As she spoke, she looked towards Feng Yu Heng's feet; however, she vaguely saw some cloth underneath the long dress.

With an unknown source of courage, she raised Feng Yu Heng's skirt and saw the shoe in perfect condition worn on Feng Yu Heng's foot. It looked exactly the same as the one in her hand.

Fen Dai found it hard to believe and froze on the spot. However, she suddenly felt something tighten around her wrist, as she saw Xuan Tian Ming reach out and grab her left wrist.

Her heart was moved, only feeling a warmth flow through her wrist.

Unfortunately, that warmth quickly became intense pain, as a faint "crack" sounded out. Xuan Tian Ming then suddenly squeezed hard and directly broke Feng Fen Dai's left wirst!

Feng Fen Dai didn't even cry out. Her two eyes rolled up, as she fainted.

Han shi was so frightened that her soul flew out. She rushed forward and held Fen Dai, bursting into tears.

Feng Jin Yuan, seeing this happen, did not dare allow Han shi continue to move. He was really afraid that annoying Xuan Tian Ming would lead to his favorite concubine being beaten to death. Thus he quickly handed down an order: "Quickly send the fourth young miss and fourth concubine mother back to their room!" He didn't even dare mention bringing a doctor.

Xuan Tian Ming turned around slightly and help Feng Yu Heng with her dress, "The things you wanted to see, you have seen. My Heng Heng's shoes are properly worn on her feet. If there are any others that dare speak such nonsense, this king will send people to come for your tongues."

"This one remembers." Feng Jin Yuan cast a glance at Xuan Tian Hua requesting help of the ever-kind seventh prince, hoping that he would say something in his favor.

Xuan Tian Hua slightly glanced towards his Feng Chen Yu, as his face continued to remain calm. The words he spoke were a reminder to Feng Jin Yuan: "Even if it were Ming'er and I, we still would not lift the other's robes in front of everyone in court without reason. Forget it, lord Feng, you should call for a doctor to inspect the fourth young miss' injuries."

Finally hearing the desired words, Feng Jin Yuan hastily ordered for a doctor to be invited.

At this time, Xuan Tian Ming raised his hand, and a eunuch immediately came forward. In his hand was a bright yellow scroll. He loudly proclaimed: "Empress' decree! For Feng Chen Yu!"

Everyone in the Feng family was surprised. None had imagined that the sudden appearance of an Empress' decree would be for Feng Chen Yu.

Chen Yu advanced a few steps in fear and knelt down to hear to the decree. The other people behind her also knelt on the ground. They simply heard the eunuch say: "The revered Empress and imperial concubine Yun decree: The Feng family's daughter to the first wife, Feng Chen Yu, can not place half a step within the palace for five years! Express gratitude!"

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum