Receiving an Imperial Grace From the Emperor

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The official princess of the third prince, Xuan Tian Ye, had been sick over the past few years. The imperial physicians had been to see her who knows how many times, but they could not discover anything. This continued year after year, and apparently, she was becoming weaker by the day.

Zhang Yuan heard the Emperor's question and went forward to reply: "Princess Xiang's illness remains untreatable for the doctors. Recently, I heard that her condition has worsened, and there are worries that she might not survive through this Winter."

The Emperor frowned and pondered for a while, but his gaze slowly moved towards Feng Yu Heng.

How could Feng Yu Heng not understand the Emperor's thoughts. She quickly took the initiative and said: "Allow daughter-in-law to take a look."

The Emperor was very satisfied with Feng Yu Heng showing initiative and followed up with a question: "Do you have a handle on how to cure her?"

Feng Yu Heng shook her head, "No, daughter-in-law has never met Princess Xiang, and do not know what sort of illness she is suffering from."

"Un." The Emperor felt her words were reasonable. He then said to Zhang Yuan: "Go inform the Empress. Have her pass along notice to Princess Xiang to enter the palace. If she is so ill that she can not walk, carry her in for Us."

Zhang Yuan complied once more and personally trotted towards the Empress' palace.

The Emperor had indeed become advanced in age. At this time, he felt a little tired. Xuan Tian Hua personally helped him move to the throne side of the partition and also helped him change clothes, wash his face and clean his mouth.

Feng Yu Heng also made use of the tea preparation room in one of Zhao He hall's side rooms to prepare a calming tea.

But in reality, using the tea preparation room was just a cover. The calming tea was actually something she had pulled out of her space. Not only was the quality of the tea leaves higher, most importantly, the way in which it was made and the technology used to make it far surpassed what was available in this era by many times. The fragrance of the tea was thicker and the texture more pure.

A cup of tea was carried out from the tea preparation room. It was brought all the way over to the throne, when the lid was taken off. The Emperor felt the fragrance of tea coming over, but it did not have that as strong a stimulating effect. Light and gentle, it made him want to smell it some more.

"What tea is this?" He received it and smelled it for a while, not able to determine what tea it was.

"Daughter-in-law prepared it for father Emperor to relax." She avoided the important details and gave a broad explanation.

The Emperor did not find it odd. Raising it up, he took a sip. After it entered his mouth, it was even more pure than when he smelled it. He took another couple sips then could endure no longer. He tossed his head back and downed the entire cup.

Feng Yu Heng smiled and said: "If father Emperor likes it, after A-Heng returns home, I will send some more into the palace, does that sound good?"

The Emperor looked at her and was a little amused, "Your father is performing a funeral on his way back to the capital. That funeral is for you and that son of the first wife."

Feng Yu Heng smiled helplessly and did not say anything.

The Emperor continued: "We will also give you an opportunity. If you can successfully cure Princess Xiang's illness, We will give you an Imperial grace. How is that?"

Feng Yu Heng took a step back and knelt down then solemnly said: "Daughter-in-law thanks father Emperor for the Imperial grace."

These words of thanks for the imperial grace caused the Emperor to be stunned. He then reacted and said: "What sort of imperial grace do you want from Us?"

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now