Unexpected Guest

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Feng Yu Heng gave Xuan Tian Hua an intravenous injection of anesthetics. She then brought him directly into the operating room inside her space. After looking at the x-ray, the results were not beyond her expectations. There was soft tissue damage and a simple fracture.

She hesitated for a moment as she tried to decide on whether to use plaster or an externally applied Chinese medicine. In the end, she chose the latter. The reason was because there was a very good medicine in this pharmacy. In her previous life, the Feng family had an ancestral bone mending powder. It used many kinds of expensive Chinese medicines to create this powder. In Chinese medicine, external remedies were for treatment, while ingested remedies were supplementary. A course of medicine needed to be taken over three days and three nights. Normally, after three to six days of treatment, the pain and swelling from the fracture would die down and circulation would improve. Treatment would be considered complete after three to four courses. She had wanted to give that medicine to Xuan Tian Ming a long time ago, but she never had a chance to.

Feng Yu Heng turned around and left the operating room to begin searching through a cupboard.

When Xuan Tian Hua woke up, Huang Quan had happened to bring food into the room.

He opened his eyes in a daze and felt that he had experienced a very long dream. In this dream, he was in a very odd place. All around him, there were odd decorations, and there was a very pungent smell that he could not quite describe. Feng Yu Heng was at his side the entire time, swaying back and forth. It seemed that she had put something on his injured foot. He could not see clearly, as his eyelids began to feel heavy. He then fell asleep once more.

"What time is it now?" He propped himself up in bed and asked Huang Quan.

Huang Quan saw that he had woken up and was startled at first. She then put the food on the table and happily said: "Young miss said that your Highness would wake up at noon and told this servant to prepare the food. She really was accurate."

Xuan Tian Hua was stunned. It was noon. That meant he had slept for an entire morning.

He then lifted the blankets at looked at his foot. It actually was wrapped up in a white cloth that faintly smelled of medicine. The shock caused him to recall the odd place in his dream.

Xuan Tian Hua shook his head and only wondered what sort of odd dream he had. He actually did not recognize a single thing he saw.

"Your Highness, please eat a little first." Huang Quan moved the food to a small table near the bed and spoke carefully.

Xuan Tian Hua, however, did not begin eating. Instead, he asked: "Where is your young miss?"

Huang Quan replied: "She is outside distributing hot tea. With this Winter disaster, a large amount of citizens in the capital have suffered, especially those in the Northern and Southern parts of the capital, where the houses are less sturdy. Some houses have even been flattened by the storm. Many people do not have a place to go, and Hundred Herb Hall received some, but the amount of space is limited. Not all of them can be brought in. Second young miss set up a canopy outside the entrance where a cup of free tea is given out each day. First, the tea can warm up the body, and secondly, the tea contains some supplements from medical herbs. They can more or less strengthen the body."

He no longer asked and quietly began to eat. After he finished eating, he insisted on going outside to take a look.

There was nothing Huang Quan could do. She thought a little, but Feng Yu Heng did not say that he could not get out of bed. In fact, she had even left behind a cane. It seemed to be permission for Xuan Tian Hua to go out for a walk.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now