This Prince is Speaking, When did You get a Turn to Interject

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While Feng Zi Hao cried and screamed, the servants who had gone to search Jin Yu courtyard had returned. Of them, two servant girls were clearly hurt, as they walked while crying.

The matriarch asked with disgust: "What happened?"

Granny Zhao walked over to the matriarch's side and grabbed her arm, replying: "They were beaten by the head madam. Seeing us come to search her courtyard, the head madam began to cause a stir. She grabbed the two girls and continuously beat them."

The matriarch was furious: "How is that sort of vile woman suited to being our Feng manor's head wife!"

Granny Zhao pulled at the matriarch's sleeve and brought something in her hand forward: "This was found underneath the eldest young miss' pillow."

These words were heard by everyone. Each and every person craned their necks and looked over. Even Feng Zi Hao limped over.

When the matriarch picked the thing up, her hands trembled. Having lived to such an age, what had she not seen before. A doll that seemed to be used in witchcraft had been found underneath Feng Chen Yu's pillow.

She look on the backside of the doll. It clearly said the three words Feng Zi Hao and had his birthday. The matriarch felt her heart go cold. Why did none of these grandchildren let her have peace of mind!

"Feng Chen Yu!" Feng Zi Hao became hostile upon seeing this thing, "Feng Chen Yu! You vile and poisonous woman! You actually dare to curse me so!"

Feng Chen Yu suffered an even greater injustice than Dou E1. When had she put something like that under her pillow? Even if Feng Zi Hao was not a serious person, he was still her full brother. How could she harm him?

"Grandmother!" Her eyes filled with tears, as her body trembled slightly, "Chen Yu did not harm brother. That tiny doll was not stabbed by Chen Yu!"

"Then why was it found under your pillow?" Feng Zi Hao cursed and pointed at Chen Yu: "I merely lay on your pillow once, yet this woman would want to curse me to death!"

"I did not curse you!"

Brother and sister started arguing in front of everyone. Feng Yu Heng pulled Zi Rui to the side, and the two surveyed the scenery while chatting: "Zi Rui should not learn from eldest brother, in the future. Do you understand?"

Feng Zi Rui vigorously nodded his head: "Do not worry, sister. Zi Rui is a good child and won't do bad things."

The matriarch's body was already in pretty bad condition, with the daily anger over one thing or another, this had continued for many days without respite. She felt her blood pressure steadily increasing, with a similar feeling to that day in Pine courtyard coming forth.

She reached for her sleeve in fear and pulled out the small bottle of medicine that Feng Yu Heng had given her. Pulling open the stopper, she poured some directly in to her mouth. After a while, she finally felt stabilized.

Subconsciously, she thought again of how good Feng Yu Heng was. Looking again, she saw that her granddaughter was holding her youngest grandson and chatting in the garden. The brother and sister looked close. Feng Zi Rui's strong and good-natured appearance became more and more appealing.

Looking again at the brother and sister on the other side, they too were born from the same mother, but they were in the middle of an ugly argument. If it weren't for one of them being injured and the other still remembering restraint, the two could begin fighting at any moment.

The matriarch couldn't help but glare at Yao shi. If it weren't for the Yao family having an incident, the Feng manor would be passing much better days!

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now