Bu Family

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Everyone recognized her. The one with the silk wrapped around her head was imperial daughter Qing Le. No wonder she was so arrogant. Although the madams and young misses were from families of officials, their standings were lower than Qing Le. If the truth, however, was the Emperor would not take the side of a lord and imperial daughter that no longer had a palace. But they had an innate quality, and those with this quality would not pay any heed to those without.

Thus, everyone glanced in her direction before turning back around and continued doing whatever they needed to do.

Feng Yu Heng's gaze, however, continued to rest on the girl behind Qing Le. Although she kept her head lowered the entire time, appeared to be slightly darker and was seen by everyone as Qing Le's servant, she knew that this was Feng Chen Yu.

She already knew that Feng Chen Yu would think of a method to get into the palace, but she had originally thought that she would go through the third prince. She did not think that she would actually go with imperial daughter Qing Le.

After Qing Le exited the carriage, she did not get in line. She went straight for the gate and prepared to enter the palace, but she was stopped by a granny.

Qing Le frowned: "Impudent!"

This palace granny was not a coward. She had spent many years in the palace. Having worked in the presence of the Emperor and Empress, how could some shoddy imperial daughter inspire any fear in her. Hearing Qing Le's screams, the granny began laughing and said: "Imperial daughter Qing Le, this old servant was ordered by the Empress to verify the invitations of the female guests entering the palace. If imperial daughter wishes to force her way in, then this old servant can only send someone to inform the Empress."

Qing Le frowned and wanted to continue arguing, but Feng Chen Yu had already brought out the invitation and handed it over.

She did not say anything further. It was better to have one fewer problem rather than one more problem. The way Feng Chen Yu dressed had already pushed her close to the edge, but at this point, she no longer wanted to bring it up.

Seeing that there was a maidservant that handed her an invitation, the old granny gave Chen Yu a forgiving look then thought about it for a while.

A servant was dressed in more eye-catching clothes than the master. Having received the invitation and looked at it, she said to Qing Le: "Normally speaking, imperial daughter should need to queue up. Look behind you, there are so many madams and young misses waiting. This old servant looking at your invitation first is too unfair. But since you are an imperial daughter, then we will overlook it once. I hope that imperial daughter can arrive a little earlier next year to avoid the problem of queuing up." Having said this, she returned the invitation and Qing Le coldly snorted. Bringing along Feng Chen Yu, she quickly passed through the gate.

Feng Yu Heng saw them walk further away then retracted her gaze. Feng Xiang Rong quietly asked: "Why did imperial daughter Qing Le wrap up her head? That appearance is very ugly."

Feng Yu Heng laughed, "She has no choice but to wrap it up. I heard the big fire at Ding An palace burned off all of her hair. How could it grow back so quickly."

Xiang Rong heard this and recalled the appearance of Qing Le's hair. She could not help but begin laughing.

At this time, Feng Yu Heng saw Ren Xi Feng and quickly pulled Xiang Rong over.

Ren Xi Feng, Fung Tian Yu and Bai Fu Rong were standing together. Seeing Feng Yu Heng coming over, they became even happier. Feng Yu Heng saw the three, but she began frowning: "With the three of you standing together, it seems that you all came together. WHy did you not call me?"

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now