Imperial Envoy

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Feng Chen Yu had much fewer worries to consider than Jin Zhen did. At that time, for the sake of dealing with Chen shi, Jin Zhen chose to take a risk and chose the more dangerous option. Although Feng Yu Heng comforted her afterwards by saying her body would be fine, she had also added some things into the medicine to help her recover for a long time.

Feng Chen Yu, however, had it good, as she enjoyed the newest techniques from the 21st century. After it was completed, Feng Yu Heng even gave her a sanitary napkin.

After an hour, Feng Chen Yu gradually woke up and felt a pain in her lower abdomen. It felt just like the pain from her monthly period.

She was a little afraid and asked Feng Yu Heng: "Why does my belly hurt?"

"Under normal circumstances, it will stop hurting in around an hour." She spoke while adjusting the rate of the infusion device.

Chen Yu found that she was still in Feng Yu Heng's medicine storage room. Nothing had changed, but there was an odd bottle next to the bed. The bottle was connected to the back of her hand by a see-through tube. She moved a little and found that there was still some pain.

"Don't move around so much." Feng Yu Heng reminded her, "There is a needle inserted into your blood vessel. If you cause it to fall out, I will need to stick it back in."

Feng Chen Yu could not be bothered to ask any more questions. When speaking with her second sister, she had never come out on top once. Either way, she had come requesting help. Feng Yu Heng had taken her money to take care of her disaster. She was extremely sleepy, so she might as well sleep a little.

Drowsily, she fell asleep. Feng Yu Heng could not help but laugh. Even though such a big thing happened, she was still able to fall asleep. She truly was still young. Even if she was mature, she was still just 14.

She stood next to Chen Yu's side and watched the infusion. Only after the medicine was completely used up and the needle pulled from her hand did she wake her up.

When Chen Yu woke up once more, she was truly awake. She tried moving around a bit and found that nothing was wrong aside from a bit of exhaustion. The pain in her lower abdomen had also lessened significantly. She could not help but feel surprised.

"Is the child gone?"

Feng Yu Heng nodded, "It's gone."

Chen Yu breathed a sigh of relief and felt that this nightmare had finally come to an end, as a relaxed expression appeared on her face.

Feng Yu Heng took a look at her and did not say anything more. She stood up and picked up a few packets of medical pills for her. She gave the instructions on how to take them and what to take note of during her the period immediately after the abortion. Only then did she open the door of the medicine storage room and say to her: "Eldest sister, please go back."

Chen Yu nodded and did not say anything more. Stuffing the medicine packages into her sleeve, she left with the support of Yi Lin.

Feng Yu Heng, however, was recalling the process of Chen Yu's operation and suddenly remembered something. She could not help but lean close to Huang Quan and ask: "I remember the first time I entered the palace, a palace servant told me his Highness the seventh prince's birth mother had died from internal bleeding."

Huang Quan nodded, "That's corrected." She then did not wait for a question before continuing: "This has always been what was said by the palace, but the truth is imperial concubine Zhao was conferred her title after dying. At the time of her tragic death, she did not have a title. She was just some girl that the Emperor had brought back from his tour of the South. The previous Empress found her to be an eyesore and tortured her to death before his Highness turned one. After this, the Emperor conferred her the title of imperial concubine Zhao. For the sake of giving face to the imperial harem, he gave the explanation of internal bleeding from child birth."

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