Beaten to a Pulp

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Jin Zhen bowed towards the two concubine mothers. Although it could be said that they were of equal status, she maintained a proper attitude. "The two concubine mothers may not know, but that night, the eldest young master knocked out the servant girl who was on watch. Only after he lay down next to the eldest young miss, did she wake up and begin screaming. He remained on the bed and firmly sealed her lips. If it weren't for the head madam getting up at night, who knows..."

"Enough!" Feng Jin Yuan cut off Jin Zhen's words, but felt that this situation truly was too strange. Thus he asked: "Everything you said was true?"

Jin Zhen replied: "At that time, this concubine was serving the head madam. These are things that are known." She then glanced at Feng Chen Yu and said: "Eldest young miss could not possibly have forgotten! But... If it were as eldest young miss says, perhaps it is as eldest young miss says and the eldest young master really was just joking around. In which case, this concubine has said too much."

"Chen Yu." Feng Jin Yuan asked with a frosty expression: "Is what Jin Zhen said true?"

Feng Chen Yu's face became bright red. For the past year or so, that matter had been a thorn in her heart. The more she thought about it, the more she felt disgusted.

But Feng Zi Hao was still her brother. In these circumstances, how could she kick him when he was down. But what Jin Zhen had said was truly the truth. The happenings of that night were known by all the maidservants of the courtyard. Although Chen shi gave a gag order, if father investigated, then it would be hard to keep concealed.

Feng Chen Yu was frustrated and found Feng Zi Hao an excuse: "Brother had drank too much that night."

Feng Jin Yuan looked at the Feng Zi Hao, who lay on the ground. He became angry and clenched his fists at his sides, his breathing becoming ragged.

Before he could say anything, a voice called out from the small path leading to the courtyard: "Zi Hao!" Then Chen shi's fat body waddled over: "Oh Zi Hao! My Zi Hao!"

The way Chen shi cried reminded Feng Yu Heng of the word: keening.

People that shared her way of thinking appeared to not be few. An shi and Han shi frowned, while the matriarch prodded her with her cane: "What are you wailing for! My grandson hasn't died!"

Chen shi did not quibble with the matriarch. Instead, she let go of Feng Zi Hao and turned to rush toward Feng Yu Heng.

Wang Chuan could not stop her in time, and Chen shi's two hands reached forward to choke Feng Yu Heng's neck.

How could Feng Yu Heng allow her succeed. When her hands reached her neck, she reached out but did not push Chen shi away, allowing her to place both hands around her neck. But Chen shi could not bring forth any strength. Feng Yu Heng appeared small and weak, but she seemed to be exceedingly strong. It was like two pairs of steel vices clamping down on her hands.

The more Chen shi struggled to use her strength, the more she wanted to use her strength. In the eyes of the spectators, Chen shi was using all her strength to try and choke Feng Yu Heng's neck, and Feng Yu Heng was trying to resist. But it was clear that Feng Yu Heng did not have as much power as Chen shi, and she did not have legs as long as Chen shi. In just a few moments, she was overpowered by Chen shi.

"Mother! Mother, what are you doing? me!" Feng Yu Heng pretended to be forced back and coughed a few times.

An shi grew angry: "Husband! If this continues, she will die!"

Wang Chuan and Huang Quan were very good at acting. They did not go to help Feng Yu Heng, instead they knelt on the ground "Would the honorable Feng spare our Princess Yu! Would the honorable Feng please spare our Princess Yu!" As they spoke, they kowtowed.

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now