Actually Dare to Hide Private Savings

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Feng Yu Heng's words "upright official" could be considered as an affirmation of the governor's decision.

The governor finally let go of his worries and ordered his men: "Bring the criminal in to the prison!"

"Let's see who dares!" Chen shi wailed loudly, "You're just a standard third rank governor. I am the current prime minister's family's head wife. You clearly know that is my cousin, yet you still dare to imprison him? Lord Li, do you have a brain?"

The governor was unhappy. He didn't think that the lord dignified prime minister's family's head wife would be like this? Thinking back to the matter regarding the prime minister's manor's son to his first wife. He sighed with emotion in his heart.

What use is there in being a high-ranking official when the son of the first wife is useless, madam... is also a little too useless.

He flicked he sleeve and returned behind the table, sitting down, "Lady Feng, this is a government office. It is not your Feng manor's backyard!" His words were said with temper, as he brought out the imposing manner he used in court. This truly caused Chen shi to tremble with fear.

"Husband." Chen shi wiped her tears and turned to beg Feng Jin Yuan, "These years cousin has helped take care of the shop and it has not been easy. This type of thing if carefully investigated, which shop wouldn't be found guilty? Why must he be locked up for three years?"

Why would Feng Jin Yuan give here any face at all, Chen shi's cousin was already someone he disliked. That type of relative dragged the Feng manor down.

"Lord Li!" He cupped his hand toward the governor, "This minister feels that three years truly feels too little. As my family's madam has said, this sort of thing happens in every shop. Since this is the case, then my prime minister's house should serve as an example, placing righteousness above loyalty to family. I request Lord Li increase the sentence to ten years in prison to serve as a warning to others."

Chen shi immediately collapsed to the ground. It truly felt like she was looking at a stranger when looking at Feng Jin Yuan. For the first time, she found that she might have married a wolf. It was even a wolf with an insatiable appetite.

How much had her Chen family spent on the Feng family? The year that Feng Jin Yuan went to write the imperial exam, the Chen family merely lived slightly lives in that village. Because she liked Feng Jin Yuan, she forced her father to spend the family fortune to fund his imperial exam. But when he passed with flying colors, he married the Yao family's daughter Yao Qian Rou.

The more Chen shi thought about it, the more she hated it. The more she thought about it, the more she felt her grievances were not worth it. That Feng Yu Heng, who was to the side covering her head, entered her gaze. Just like a thorn, she vowed that she would absolutely pull that thorn out!

"Good!" Suddenly the governor exclaimed, surprising everyone in the room. "Minister Feng is placing righteousness before loyalty to relatives. You are truly a model for the capital! Then this lowly official will sentence the criminal to ten years imprisonment!" Thinking a little, he added: "No visitations and no commutations!"

Chen shi closed both her eyes. She no longer had the heart to listen to the ruling, but she did not think that the Feng Yu Heng who had been crying in pain would suddenly open her mouth and faintly say: "One small shopkeeper dares to sell ginseng and glossy ganoderma as fakes. I truly do not know if it was him being too brave or if he was receiving instructions from someone."

"A-Heng." The one speaking was Feng Jin Yuan. He frowned, clearly slightly impatient, but he did not dare go too far. He could only say: "Problems in the family should not be taken outside. How about stopping before going too far."

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now